Wolftrap Creates
Brave innovators and creators. Nearly 600 students K-6. As I enter my 17th year teaching elementary art, I am fortunate to call WTES my educational home.
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http://www.slowdownsnails.com 18-08-2018 12:36:00
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Peace Keeper v. Peace Maker Whose pain are we prioritizing? Fairfax Schools Equity and Cultural Responsiveness FCPSSocialStudies @MelanieForEdu (she/her) Fairfax County NAACP

Our Brains Struggle to Process This Much Stress FCPS Employee Wellness @FCFTcares @MelanieForEdu (she/her) @ACEsConnection elemental.medium.com/your-surge-cap…

Thinking this could be valuable for many reasons! I just registered for the FREE screening this Saturday at 8pm! @MelanieForEdu (she/her) Rashida Green (she/her/hers) Kim Amenabar Fairfax Schools Equity and Cultural Responsiveness Nina Thomas FCPS Region 1 gathr.us/screening/31689

Abolitionist Teaching Network - Co-conspiratorship: How White Educators Should Approach & Teach Black History. Fairfax Schools Equity and Cultural Responsiveness Katie Eustis (she/her/hers) @MelanieForEdu (she/her) Raheel Ahmed-Litz Colleen Eddy (she/her) …istteachingnetwork.networkforgood.com

Amazing illustration! FCPS Fine Arts Wolftrap ES @MelanieForEdu (she/her)

💚🐺🎨 Wolftrap ES It will be helpful for all in person Wolfies to tear out 3-5 sketchbook pages from their Art sketchbooks when they return. When folded in half, they should fit nicely in a folder already coming to school. 🎨🐺💚

🌸Managing Mother’s Day in a trauma informed way.🌸 Grateful for these suggestions 🌸 Fairfax Schools Equity and Cultural Responsiveness FCPS School Psychology Services Family-School Partnerships FCPS Ed Specialists for Professional Development

Kids need to be engaged and empowered to grow into independent learners. Sketchnote by Julie Woodward

Our last Cultural Proficiency training topic was belonging. Brené Brown knocks another one out of the park! Fairfax Schools Equity and Cultural Responsiveness FCPS Ed Specialists for Professional Development Nina Thomas Kim Amenabar #TikTok vm.tiktok.com/ZMdw9LNJo/

Thank you Colleen Eddy (she/her) & Wolftrap ES’s Dr. Grove for attending! 💚🐺🎨 @MelanieForEdu (she/her)