Coventry Open Press
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Are you a UKRI funded researcher? Find out how you can use UK Research and Innovation fund to make your research immediately available #OpenAccess 👇 bit.ly/3wEHaaV

Lots of registrations for Irish Open Access Publishers's Annual Conference incorporating diamond OA Publishing Awards next week March 12th. Powerful speakers Patrick Paul Walsh Jan Erik Frantsvåg Arianna Becerril-García Ruth Hegarty Agape Open Science. Still time to register. Program & Reg: ioap.ie/annual-confere… #IOAP24

Excited to attend the inaugural Irish Open Access Publishers conference this afternoon! #IOAP24 #OpenAccess

We've launched a consultation today on our proposed #OpenAccess policy for REF 2029. We welcome responses from any organisation, group or individual interested in research or scholarly publishing: ref.ac.uk/guidance/ref-2… #REF2029 Economy NI HEFCW | CCAUC Research England Scottish Funding Council

Read all about the fantastic Aberdeen University Press in the latest of our '5 minutes with...' blogs Press Administrator Sandra Hynes tells us "OA makes sense for us because it speaks so directly to the University's foundational commitment to openness and service" bit.ly/3Ixe67N

Thank you for a fantastic time Coventry University for the launch of the Delia Derbyshire building. I'm sure Delia would be so honoured & proud. Loved talking with Stuart Maconie in the new The Bugatti Trust Museum and Study Centre Hyperstudio, some great music, films and talks. #DeliaDerbyshire

Publishers! Librarians! OA Fans! Are you involved in OA publishing at your institution? Sign up for our SYMPOSIUM discussing next steps for this sector. Keynote: Jane Buggle Date: Monday 10th June Where: Univ of York Find out more + sign up form here: bit.ly/3UwKNI0

Interested in forthcoming #OpenAccess books and journals and new research from across the social sciences? Sign up to the LSE Press newsletter for the latest on our publications, blogs, and forthcoming events. | @LSENews LSE Library ✅Subscribe here: lse.us21.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=4b…

⏰Competition time! ⏰ Win 1 of 5 copies of Terhi Rantanen's new book - Dead Men's Propaganda: Ideology and Utopia in Comparative Communications Studies. 🎫Enter here: lse.us21.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=4b… LSE Media & Communications Access a free digital copy via #OpenAccess here: doi.org/10.31389/lsepr…

NEW: from Jisc on how smaller presses can adapt to #OpenAccess by joining collective initiatives like Open Book Collective jisc.ac.uk/blog/how-small… Neatly encapsulates 'scaling small' - enabling smaller presses to 'realise the advantages of scale' as The White Horse Press says #OAbooks

Interesting new 'Conversation Series' of webinars for libraries being run by DIAMAS Project on diamond #OpenAccess. More details and link to register here: diamasproject.eu/diamas-convers… #LibraryTwitter

🌠 The STRANGE/R/NESS online seminar series begins next week 🌠 Join Postdigital Intimacies @ Coventry University to explore how inclusivity can overcome the hidden barriers of "niceness" in wellness & crypto communities, fostering true diversity & unity🤝⬇️ Postdigital Cultures coventry.ac.uk/research/about…

Only a week to go until COPIM ([email protected]) LSE Library LSE Press join forces to discuss the crisis in #HE and the future of #DiamondOA for books 📖 Join in person or online on 19 Sept 2024 (17:00-18:30, BST) More info ℹ️ copim.pubpub.org/pub/futureofdi…

Many congrats to our colleagues Scottish Universities Press, announcing their first #OA publications!