COSY COST Action CA21101
🇪🇺 Research network within the EU COST Association. From new-generation materials to the stars: we study COnfined molecular SYstems (COSY). ⚛️🌌
ID: 1575833069524697088
https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA21101/ 30-09-2022 13:01:00
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🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized at CSIC Central Campus will feature a talk by the Action Chair MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC on molecular-level understanding of subnanometric metal clusters 💡 cost-cosy.eu/activity/works… COST Europeos CSIC PCCP

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024 Meeting, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit at CSIC Central Campus will feature a talk by Alexandre Zanchet IFF_CSIC on electronic structure of the smallest iron carbide💡 cost-cosy.eu/activity/works… COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized at CSIC Central Campus will feature a talk by Katarzyna M. Krupka from MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC on ab initio methods development for metal cluster-support interactions💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP will feature a poster by Lala Gahramanli from Bakı Dövlət Universiteti on potential photocatalyst for degradation of methylene blue💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Campus, will feature a poster by Álvaro Gallego-de-Roa from UAM Autónoma Madrid on theoretical investigation of imidazole derivatives adsorption on an Ag(100) surface💡 COST Europeos CSIC PCCP

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Campus, will feature a poster by Estefanía Germán from Gabinete de Comunicación Universidad de Valladolid on computational prediction of boron graphdiyne layers functionalization with transition metal atoms💡 COST Europeos CSIC PCCP

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Yako Irusta Salles from UAM Autónoma Madrid on theoretical study of the electronic properties of surfaces for catalysis💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Sahar Mahnaee from Gabinete de Comunicación Universidad de Valladolid on separation of gas mixtures using nanoporous (boron-)graphdiyne membranes💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Sevinj Mammadyarova from Bakı Dövlət Universiteti on photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Edgard Alejandro Miranda Sáenz from UAM Autónoma Madrid on electroreduction of CO2 using metal-doped graphene sheets💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Aynura Karimova from Bakı Dövlət Universiteti on polymer-coated iron oxide nanoparticles for anti-cancer drug delivery💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Luis M. Molina from @Uva_es on structure and chemical reactivity of Pt-Zr binary nanoclusters💡 COST Europeos CSIC

🐱The COSY COST Action CA21101 CATCOSY 2024, organized by de Lara-Castells' AbinitSim Unit IFF_CSIC at CSIC Central Campus, sponsored by PCCP, will feature a poster by Sebastián Negrete Aragón from CFM on simulating high pressure surface reactions💡 COST Europeos CSIC

Meet us at CATCOSY 2024 COSY COST Action CA21101 Meeting Facing Challenges. Subnanometric Metal and Metal-Oxide Catalysts and Photocatalysts September 26 - September 27 MARÍA PILAR DE LARA-CASTELLS #IFF CSIC cost-cosy.eu/activity/works…