Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez
University of Texas at Austin Biomedical Engineering, biomaterials and tissue engineering, views are my own, she/her/hers
ID: 4097700689
http://chlab.bme.utexas.edu 02-11-2015 14:08:43
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Meet the twenty five members of the 2024 PMSE Future Faculty class at #ACSFall2024. #polymer #materials #chemistry #Engineering #RisingStars #BrightFuture American Chemical Society pmsedivision.org/2024/05/2024-p…

🚨 Faculty position alert! 🚨 Rice University Bioengineering is now accepting applications for a tenure-track faculty position: apply.interfolio.com/152536 Please direct questions to me or search co-chair Omid Veiseh Join a collegial faculty located in the biggest medical center in the world!

From our joint Biomaterials Science and J. Mater. Chem. family B collection on Biomedical Polymer Materials, read "The role of Eudragit® as a component of hydrogel formulations for medical devices" by Marcelo Calderón et al. doi.org/10.1039/D3TB01…

The BioFrontiers Institute BioFrontiers 💻🦠🧬🧪🧫💉📊📓 CU Boulder 🦬 is recruiting new faculty across diverse research areas. Come join our exceptional faculty in beautiful Boulder Colorado. jobs.colorado.edu/jobs/JobDetail…

Professor Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez: #Polycaprolactone-based shape memory foams as self-fitting vaginal stents Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez Texas BME TAMU BMEN Texas ASE/EM UT Mech Engineering sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

Join us for the SFBiomaterials Southwest Regional Symposium at UT Austin Texas Engineering Texas BME on Sept 19-20. Co-Chairs: Stephanie Seidlits UT Austin, Janet Zoldan UT Austin. Program Committee: John Clegg teja guda, Binata Joddar Kevin McHugh, Shreya Raghavan.

Hey polymer tweeps! We are now accepting nominations for the 2025 PMSE Fellows. Deadline October 15, 2024. Selection Criteria and Nomination Guidance can be found at the Fellows webpage pmsedivision.org/pmse-fellows/ ACS PMSE Division