Cory Miller
Family | Surf/Snow/Skate | Neurobiologist
ID: 1447348971781832710
Http://millerlab.UCSD.edu 10-10-2021 23:51:09
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Registration for SimCo 2024 is now up. Come join us and support the amazing NHP neuroscience work going on. Not only do we have amazing speakers but the meeting will showcase research by our next generation of leaders in the field. SimianCollective simiancollective.com/2024-conference

Super excited to share a newest cross-species collaboration on causal role of the mediodorsal thalamus on belief volatility/paranoia. Phil Corlett, Praveen Suthaharan, Summer Thompson, Vincent Costa Stephanie Groman Chris Mathys, friend of abundance Rudebeck Lab, and more not on X! cell.com/cell-reports/f…

Super excited to share new work! Fully automated platform (scalable) for studying cooperation in freely moving marms. Hope many will adopt this platform. Multi-PI collab work w/ Anirvan Nandy and Monka Jadi. Led by super talented Olivia Meisner . doi.org/10.7554/eLife.… eLife - the journal

New paper in The Royal Society. Amazing work by Dori Grijseels. Data from 40+ monkeys shows that turn-taking is not a coupled oscillator but stochastic. A features-based model more accurately accounts for the vocal behavior, including in multicaller contexts royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs…

OpEd in InsideSources by Doris Tsao, Tony Zador and I laying out the case for support of the BRAIN initiative. On the cusp of so much, this really matters. Critical Brain Research Faces a Massive Funding Shortfall dcjournal.com/critical-brain…

Thrilled to share a new paper just out in Cell Reports, led by the awesome Sachira Denagamage (recent graduate from Yale Interdepartmental Neuroscience Program)!! We find evidence for widespread pre-saccadic receptive field remapping in area V2: cell.com/cell-reports/f…

Deadline to register for SimCo 2024 is 8/28 (1 week to go!). We are nearly at max capacity, so only a few seats are left. Register now and come join us for another incredible meeting focused on NHP brain research simiancollective.com/2024-conference SimianCollective

Open #postdocposition! Come work with me on NIH BRAIN funded research to discover the functional role & neural basis of rapid turns during olfactory search. Please share! Video: youtube.com/watch?v=clV18e… Paper: cell.com/current-biolog… With Bing Wen Brunton, Michael Dickinson

We are sharing this important commentary with the research community as a Commentary piece just published in the Journal of Neuroscience (SfN Journals), written by several of us (just as representatives). Also relevant to #SimCo2024. jneurosci.org/content/44/37/…

jneurosci.org/content/44/37/… Fantastic piece by Dr. Michele A. Basso Aaron Batista Steve W. C. Chang Cory Miller Dr. Jan Zimmermann Katalin Gothard, and Karen Parker

How can you feel the pressure of a handshake? 🖐️ Ardem Patapoutian, PhD, uncovered the sensors—and won a Nobel Prize for it. He’ll explain these in today’s #FrontRow lecture. Register now and tune in at 4:00 p.m. PT | 7:00 p.m. ET: ow.ly/UV3n50T3kNS