Richard Corsi, PhD, PE (Texas)
Dean of Engineering, University of California, Davis
Indoor Environmental Engineer
Proud UC Davis Alumnus
Faith in younger generations
Dog lover
ID: 1618718016
http://www.corsiaq.com 24-07-2013 22:18:19
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Always enjoyable visiting my old undergraduate Alma Mater. It was a beautiful campus back in the day and has remained such over the decades. Cal Poly Humboldt

Wishing Greg Keelor of Blue Rodeo a wonderful new journey around the sun. I've loved your music since I was first introduced 35 years ago. Those who follow me and do not know of the band should check em' out. Here is a masterpiece. youtube.com/watch?v=oMt0sk…

I so wish that I could have been there, DrJames @YorkU (he/him/il). I would have immediately yelled out "Present!!" Have a great and negligible dose term.

‼️ School safety: Parents, please take time to read this— the science is undeniable. We have knowledge & tools to protect children, so let’s use them Clean indoor air is cheap & it prevents spread of COVID, colds, flu, RSV, whooping cough, measles & more independent.ie/opinion/commen…

Largest prospective study of #LongCovid in children and teens with 3-year follow-up thelancet.com/journals/eclin… by La Campo - Anna Camporesi and colleagues —significant, long-lasting impact —increased risk of autoimmune diseases —reduction of risk with vaccination/boosters, especially among teens