Corina Nicolae
Press officer @MAERomania retweets ≠ endorsements
ID: 1345031405898768386
01-01-2021 15:37:44
69 Tweet
213 Following
Glad to welcome 🇷🇴citizens&their families who landed in Bucharest today, after being evacuated from Gaza Strip. Efforts continue to ensure safe passage for the other RO citizens who are still in Gaza. Heartfelt thanks to our int’l partners who assisted us. אלי כהן | Eli Cohen Egypt MFA Spokesperson
I warmly thank my colleagues in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania 🇷🇴 for their support. Special thanks to the excellent team of the Romanian Permanent Mission to UN, led by Ambassador Cornel Feruta !
Very honoured to meet 🇲🇰President Stevo Pendarovski during my visit to Skopje. Constructive discussions on the ways to strengthen 🇷🇴-🇲🇰 bilateral cooperation & on tackling the current regional challenges. I expressed RO’s firm support of NMK’s efforts to join the European Union.
Fruitful meeting with talat xhaferi, President of the 🇲🇰National Assembly. Agreed to continue working together, as NATO Allies & regional partners, building on our very good bilateral relations. RO is ready to assist NMK in achieving the strategic objective to join the EU.
Meine Begegnung mit Codruț, dem „First Dog“ der Republik Moldau, hat für etwas Aufsehen gesorgt. Alles halb so wild. 😉 Viel wichtiger ist: Die Gespräche, die ich mit Präsidentin Maia Sandu u.a. in Moldau geführt habe, waren sehr gut. (vdb)
Împreună cu Mihai #Covaliu, Președintele Olympic Romania, am semnat protocolul de colaborare între MAE și COSR, pentru organizarea Casei României la Ambasada României în Franța în perioada Jocurilor Olimpice de vară – Paris 2024. Mult succes sportivilor români!
Salutăm adoptarea, de către European Parliament , a Rezoluției privind returnarea Tezaurului României confiscat ilegal de Rusia. #România 🇷🇴 nu va înceta sa solicite returnarea integrală a Tezaurului depus la Moscova deoarece are un drept de creanță valid și imprescriptibil.
📢Save the date! 📢 Duminică, 9 iunie 2024, vino cu un act de identitate valabil la orice secție de votare organizată de MAE în străinătate pentru a alege reprezentanții 🇷🇴României în European Parliament. #EP2024 #Europarlamentare2024
#Romania strongly condemns Russia’s atrocious attack on 🇺🇦 #Kharkiv city yesterday, which killed and injured innocent civilians. Those responsible must be held accountable. MFA of Ukraine 🇺🇦
Proud that 🇷🇴 took one more step to preserve its past & cultural identity by the inscription on the UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Sciences #Culture 🇺🇳 #WorldHeritage list of #Brâncusi Monumental Ensemble of Tg. Jiu & Frontiers of the #RomanEmpire - Dacia. Cultural heritage is our legacy. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania 🇷🇴