ID: 849244372260540417
04-04-2017 12:56:51
18 Tweet
119 Following
Ice ice baby or should I say No Ice Ice Baby? #FFMA2017 #risingsealevel #savetheicebergs #idontmeanlettuce John Englander Florida Floodplain
I got my "fill" of information from Steve Martin at the #FFMA2017 Conference. #floodedwithinformation #pilingontheupdates #sopunny Florida Floodplain
I had NOAA idea about Sea Level Rise. Thanks #Heidi #Presentation #FFMA2017 Florida Floodplain
#FFMA2017 Florida Floodplain Cece McKiernan #AnnualMembersMeeting #throwingdownthegauntlet
This is 1 of the 6,000 tweets per second. #statistics #tweets #socialmedia #FFMA2018 Florida Floodplain