ID: 2516897461
23-05-2014 02:47:25
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Fire at one of the finest sausage houses - Rocky’s. Ed Trail is closed. Bridgeland Betty Team Ward 9 for Great Neighbourhoods Global Calgary X92.9

“Canada’s economy needs pipelines.” “Kill bill 69” City of Calgary #yyc #Alberta #oil #gas

Students hoping to make a difference. “CBE: Cut the top.” “Keep our teachers.” Richard Hehr what changes are being made at the main office? CBE is the only board cutting teachers.

Urban wildlife out and about! Remember keep your distance and never feed, harass or entice wildlife. Keep them wild to keep pests in check. City of Calgary Bridgeland Betty #animals #wildlife #WildlifeFromMyWindow

New build engulfed in flames. #FullMoon City of Calgary Bridgeland Betty Global Calgary CTV News Calgary The Star Calgary

Excitement in Bridgeland - bobcat and coyote seen at dusk on May 23. Bridgeland Betty Team Ward 9 for Great Neighbourhoods City of Calgary Renfrew YYC