wmp consult
Expert*innen für Beschäftigungssicherung, Mitbestimmung und Mitarbeiterbeteiligung
ID: 1122786103050764290
http://www.wilke-maack.de/ 29-04-2019 08:54:02
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Stefan Stracke hat gemeinsam mit Jan Giertz vom I.M.U. der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung ein Interview zur Bedeutung einer vorausschauenden #Personalplanung gegeben. Zu finden ist das Interview in der ver.di-Publikation "Leistungssteuerung und Arbeitsintensität."index-gute-arbeit.dgb.de/++co++5d6a6c9c…
In case you missed our event on employment and education in the #EUYearofRail, the recording is now available online! Click below to listen to the webinar in full, including remarks from Commissioner Nicolas SCHMIT, MEP @thalerbarbara & more. bit.ly/311USkU
Discussing transformation of military land systems and trade union strategies. Great to have face to face debate. Major challenges ahead of us industriAll Europe
.Airbus site visit today as part of industriAll Europe #defence project. Innovative technology and focus on #skills with Spanish unions advocating strong social dialogue. Big thanks to Airbus UGT FICA #SalariooConflicto #PactoIndustria CCOO de Industria #PactoIndustriaYA EU Social 🇪🇺
Session 1️⃣ Draft recommendations for trade unions so that they can bargain for equality 🟰 Presented by Birte Homann from wmp consult 🟦The process of reaching collective agreements regarding equal opportunities at work. We aim to promote learning from the experiences of