Wouter van den Bos
Developmental Computational Cognitive Neuroscientist. Interested in social learning & decision-making in social networks.
ID: 198108686
https://connectedmindslab.net/ 03-10-2010 11:20:36
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📢 Results of the 2023 ERC Consolidator Grant competition are out. €627 million for 308 researchers. Who has been offered funding? What topics and questions will they investigate? Where will they conduct their research? 🇪🇺Horizon Europe🇪🇺 #ERCCoG news 👉 europa.eu/!qvtkcH

Wouter van den Bos Lab at writing retreat! With Andrea Gradassi, Ana Pinho , Lieke Hofmans Lucas Molleman , Dr. Karlijn Hoyer & Scarlett Slagter being productive ✍️, and me tweeting about it 🙃 #SUW

🚨 New preprint 🚨 Excited to share this new preprint led by Marcel Binz and Stephan Alaniz, featuring four perspectives on how #LLMs will and should affect the practice of science. arxiv.org/abs/2312.03759

Moral learning and decision-making across the lifespan osf.io/preprints/psya… Excited to share our new preprint with Wouter van den Bos & Jean-Claude Dreher. We review evidence from infancy to old age in light of 4 key aspects of morality within a value-based decision-making framework.

#BTCC 📢3/29(Fri.)14:00-15:30 at 理研 和光キャンパス 脳東1Fセミナールーム Wouter van den Boss氏(Wouter van den Bos)による講演を開催します❗️ オンサイトのみ、事前登録は不要です。 詳細は、BTCC HPをご確認ください👉btcc.riken.jp/2024/03/news10…

I'm excited & honoured to be running for the Association for Psychological Science Board of Directors (thanks to simine vazire & Brian Nosek (@[email protected]) for the nomination!). Voting opens tomorrow 📆 You can find more information (+ some videos 🤓) about my priorities here: orben.group/association-fo…

📢📢 Concern is growing over the proposed cuts to research and science outlined in the main agreement of the future cabinet. In response, scientists in the Netherlands are uniting. Universiteiten van Nederland launched ‘Laat wetenschap werken’ Help spread the message:👉 universiteitenvannederland.nl/laat-wetenscha…

🚨 Job alert 🚨 I am looking for a PhD and Postdoc to join Center for Adaptive Rationality (MPIB, Berlin) at Max Planck Institute for Human Development and work with me, Rui Mata, Marcel Binz, and Susann Fiedler on using LLMs to improve the generalizability in the behavioral and social sciences and other topics related to LLMs. The positions