Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University
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http://cs.aau.dk 16-01-2020 09:15:16
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I går besøgte TV2 Nord vores Supercomputer-klub og mødt de prisvindende studerende, der bygger supercomputere fra bunden. De fik en snak om, hvorfor det er afgørende, at Danmark kommer på banen i udviklingen af fremtidens #HPC! PåAalborg Universitet er vi i gang👏tv2nord.dk/aalborg/nordjy…

Emil presents our work (also with Katja Hose ) on "Patient Event Sequences for Predicting Hospitalization Length of Stay" at the AI in medicine conference. Such a cool idea to make a story out of the patient record and let an AI guess the end.

We are delighted to share that on Friday, June 30, alisa ananjeva will defend her PhD thesis titled "Reconciling the competing processes in a #DigitalTransformation towards #Sustainability." 🌍💻Join us! cs.aau.dk/news-and-event…

How do we validate and prevent incorrect #data from being added to knowledge graphs with billions of facts? @chkashifrabban is showcasing the tool SHACTOR at SIGMOD/PODS 2025 in Seattle. Impressive work done in collaboration with M. Lissandrini and Katja Hose👏 cs.aau.dk/news-and-event…

Today I'm at the Sea AI conference at University of Haifa in Israel. We're showing off our work from Ocean Data Integration Initiative about automated data integration for oceanographic research.

Congrats to alisa ananjeva🎉🥳! This Friday, she defended her PhD thesis "Reconciling the competing processes in a #DigitalTransformation towards #Sustainability🌍Alisa has been supervised by @panaau and John S. Persson👍Thank you to the assessment committee linkedin.com/feed/update/ur…

TRUSTWORTHY #AI: AI and #machinelearning systems must be reliable, unbiased, fair, and compliant with ethical standards. This is for instance inportant in the financial sector. Meet andresmasegosa from @DEIS_aau_dk to learn more: youtube.com/watch?v=BwPo5K…

A new version of #UPPAAL has been launched👏. Congratulations to Kim G Larsen and the rest of the @DEIS_aau_dk team. The launch was celebrated at a reception at Aalborg Universitet, highlighting the crucial collaboration between researchers and industry🎉 cs.aau.dk/the-new-versio…

Looking forward to join VLDB 2025 🇬🇧 next week and discuss #KnowledgeGraph #DataExploration #GraphDatabase Don't miss Kashif Rabbani and it's work on advancing #DataQuality and #DataAnalysis of Large #KGs Don't hesitate to reach out if you fancy a chat over coffee!

Congratulations to our colleague Matteo M. Lissandrini for being awarded with distinguished reviewer award at VLDB 2025 🇬🇧 2023. Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University #vldb #database

Do you manage time series data? Then have a look at "Time Series Management Systems: A 2022 Survey" by Christian Thomsen Søren Kejser Jensen which covers 55 systems. OPEN ACCESS pre-print: vbn.aau.dk/ws/portalfiles… DAISY Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University Please SHARE with your colleagues and collaborators

Now with WORKING link: Do you manage time series data? Then have a look at "Time Series Management Systems: A 2022 Survey" by Søren Kejser Jensen Christian Thomsen and myself OPEN ACCESS pre-print vbn.aau.dk/da/publication… DAISY Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University

A job well done Kashif Rabbani!

Forskning gør en forskel uden for universitetets mure! Hjørring Kommune har succes med et system, der hjælper sygeplejersker med at identificere ældre borgere, der i risiko for indlæggelse. Systemet udspringer af forskning herfra instituttet Aalborg Universitet tv2nord.dk/hjoerring/cami…

Exciting news! Today was my 1st day as tenure-track assistant professor at Aalborg University Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University! I'm joining the HCC group in the Copenhagen campus. What an amazing first day of exchanging ideas, learning about their problem-based learning approach, and sharing beers :D

tomorrow we kick off in the @GirafAutismApp project at Department of Computer Science, Aalborg University - GIRAF aims to have CS students develop an opensource "tablet environment aimed at autistic children with little or no verbal communication. It can be used for daily schedules, games and education."

I finally got to present my work at KaRS Workshop @ RecSys 2024! Using KG information and gated GNNs for inductive recommendation. You can find the paper and implementation of our method at github.com/theisjendal/ka… #RecSys2023 #KaRS2023