Dominique Coleman (@colemandr1) 's Twitter Profile
Dominique Coleman


disabled, history & coffee enthusiast. currently studying MA Archaeology & Heritage Practice. hoping to work in the heritage sector. she/her 📚☕️🌈

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calendar_today16-09-2021 17:30:44

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Dominique Coleman (@colemandr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My first MA Conference was great. It was so great to meet other museum people & hear some wonderful thoughts on important discussions within the sector. Can’t wait for next year in Edinburgh!🏛

My first MA Conference was great. It was so great to meet other museum people & hear some wonderful thoughts on important discussions within the sector. 

Can’t wait for next year in Edinburgh!🏛
Dominique Coleman (@colemandr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Solidarity to all those on strike this week. Special mention to my past and present lecturers who I value and admire hugely. Your hard work and support doesn’t go unnoticed by your students. We’ve got your backs. #UCUstrike #OneOfUsAllOfUs

Dominique Coleman (@colemandr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’m emotional and excited about this. I live for moments of hope like this, wherever they are, even when they seem few and far between. Congratulations to Chile and @gabrielboric. 🥳 Lead the way for us!

Shannen Johnson (@shannenjjohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exciting news - Matt Holmes and Dominique and I are going to be running a panel about Emerging Museum Professionals at the Museums Association conference - we are looking for a Black/PoC EMP to join our panel to ensure it is representative of EMPs coming into the sector 1/3

Shannen Johnson (@shannenjjohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Exciting planning meeting this afternoon with my fellow panelists Dominique Coleman Matt Holmes and @shahnilashafiq to prepare for our #Museums2022 conference session - Emerging Museum Professionals - We are the Future! Such important discussions we can't wait to share Museums Association 1/2

UKEMPN (@uk_empn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

If you’re heading to Edinburgh for #Museums2022 Museums Association there will be a panel session ‘Emerging Museum Professionals - We are the Future!’ Thursday at 3pm with Matt Holmes Shannen Johnson @shahnilashafiq Dominique Coleman – please join us!

Yorkshire EMP (@yorkshireemp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The aims of the session: - Advocate for EMPs in the sector -How EMPs shape the future of the sector -young people/EMPs are one of the under represented communities in the sector Value all voices within your workforce 🙌 #Museums2022

The aims of the session:

- Advocate for EMPs in the sector
-How EMPs shape the future of the sector
-young people/EMPs are one of the under represented communities in the sector 

Value all voices within your workforce 🙌

Dominique Coleman (@colemandr1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

So sad I’m not able to attend and sit in on the EMP panel as planned #museums2022 Follow along if you can’t be there either!

Yorkshire EMP (@yorkshireemp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Dominique Coleman What can current museum leaders do to support EMPs? Understand the intersectionality of EMPs, and understand the barriers faced by them.

Shannen Johnson (@shannenjjohnson) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Proud moment - first time chairing a panel and first time speaking Museums Association conference (and at 6 months pregnant!). Thank you to the speakers Matt Holmes @shahnilashafiq and Dominique Coleman for having such a honest and open conversation about EMPs #Museums22 #EMP

Proud moment - first time chairing a panel and first time speaking <a href="/MuseumsAssoc/">Museums Association</a> conference (and at 6 months pregnant!). Thank you to the speakers <a href="/Mattimer_/">Matt Holmes</a> @shahnilashafiq and <a href="/colemandr1/">Dominique Coleman</a> for having such a honest and open conversation about EMPs #Museums22 #EMP
Jairo I Fúnez-Flores (@jairo_i_funez) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One’s academic career will never be more important than speaking out and organizing against the systematic killing of people in Gaza. Those who know this and put it into practice will not be silenced any time soon.