Dominique Coleman
disabled, history & coffee enthusiast. currently studying MA Archaeology & Heritage Practice. hoping to work in the heritage sector. she/her 📚☕️🌈
ID: 1438555880065220609
16-09-2021 17:30:44
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Hist&ArchChester subject talks today for the Open Day! Great to meet everyone in person. With our fab students @SharpeUthred Dominique Coleman #GetWhatCounts

Exciting news - Matt Holmes and Dominique and I are going to be running a panel about Emerging Museum Professionals at the Museums Association conference - we are looking for a Black/PoC EMP to join our panel to ensure it is representative of EMPs coming into the sector 1/3

Here Chester Cathedral with our fantastic Hist&ArchChester and University of Chester students to volunteer with Chester Cathedral Works Department for Chester Heritage Festival, conserving Cathedral books: come and see us from 10am-12noon!

We’re in the Nave Chester Cathedral doing book conservation as part of Chester Heritage Festival! Come and see University of Chester Hist&ArchChester students conserve our historic Jacobson collection! 📚

Really enjoyed getting to spend some time with some of the Bishop Jacobson Collection yesterday at Chester Cathedral with Hist&ArchChester & Chester Cathedral Works Department!

Exciting planning meeting this afternoon with my fellow panelists Dominique Coleman Matt Holmes and @shahnilashafiq to prepare for our #Museums2022 conference session - Emerging Museum Professionals - We are the Future! Such important discussions we can't wait to share Museums Association 1/2

If you’re heading to Edinburgh for #Museums2022 Museums Association there will be a panel session ‘Emerging Museum Professionals - We are the Future!’ Thursday at 3pm with Matt Holmes Shannen Johnson @shahnilashafiq Dominique Coleman – please join us!

Dominique Coleman - the future of museums is a collaborative one, listening to all voices. #Museums2022

Dominique Coleman What can current museum leaders do to support EMPs? Understand the intersectionality of EMPs, and understand the barriers faced by them.

Proud moment - first time chairing a panel and first time speaking Museums Association conference (and at 6 months pregnant!). Thank you to the speakers Matt Holmes @shahnilashafiq and Dominique Coleman for having such a honest and open conversation about EMPs #Museums22 #EMP