Sean McCafferty
ID: 336907810 17-07-2011 03:42:43
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The 3k steeple would like a word. Coach Bennett
Thank you for the mention Jonathan Gault I just turned 47. I watch over The Streak and it is 3 years older than I am. It was great meeting Mike Mahon today.
CBAXC continues to make history not only statewide, but also in New York. Christian Brothers broke the team course record at Bowdoin XC Classic this weekend. CBA Colts Athletics CBA Track & Field…
All five of these coaches have spoken at BldrRunningClinics - Doug Soles Doug Soles - Sean McCafferty Sean McCafferty - Kelly Christensen Niwot Cross Country & Track - Timo Mostert - Justin Leonard Carroll XC Join us January 17-18 for this year's clinic!
🍕🔥Can’t go to Bowdoin Park and not grab a few slices at Leo’s on way home! You’ve tried the rest, now try the best!🍕🔥 💥Get ur NE Regional XC/Leo’s Pizza daily double on! There’s no better doubleheader in the world💥 Congrats to everyone who competed today! Sean McCafferty