Brent Pry
FAMILY MAN! Go Hokies!
ID: 1325394626
03-04-2013 20:45:15
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100% Commited🦃🦃 #GoHokies #AGTG #ThisIsHome Virginia Tech Football Brent Pry Tyler Bowen Brian Crist Mike Moyseenko Dwight Galt IV Michael Hazel Alex Jones Vernard Abrams ACEQB EdOBrien247 Brian Mohr Nazareth Football Nazareth Athletics
Today we all support the fight against pediatric cancer! Go to to join the fight! The Life Ring Foundation Chris Slade and @ShawnMoore12
Thanks so much Marty Smith Ryan McGee for having me this morning! Can’t wait to see you both in Blacksburg soon 😎🦃
So appreciate our relationship with the Corps. Happy to be part of the new cadet experience! Thank you for the game ball! 🏈🦃 VT Corps of Cadets