Keith Whitely, M.Ed
Alumni,University of Houston. Offensive Coordinator/ District Recruiting Coordinator at La Porte HS.
ID: 957064240451514368
27-01-2018 01:34:31
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Top 5 plays from game 1 Coach Matt McChesney Kevin Berneathy Beck Neal M. Ed. Roy Fondaw - NSR Zach Allen Charlie Dickey Bill Bedenbaugh Ben Tawwater Wisly Desire Gunnar White Phil Loadholt Adam Cushing Coach “Ty” Warren Jordan Shoemaker Brad Davis hudl.com/v/2PzyW5

These student-athletes don’t only work hard in the water, they also put the time in the weight room! 🤽♀️🤽♂️🏋️💪🏼💪🏼 La Porte ISD LPISDAthletics La Porte High School Official La Porte HS Recruiting (ALL SPORTS)

2025 Ricky Sandolph La Porte HS Recruiting (ALL SPORTS) in for the TOUCHDOWN!! La Porte Football 🔥🔥 Kevin Berneathy Tre_LandoTFL Mark Russell La Porte ISD Keith Whitely, M.Ed La Porte HS Recruiting (ALL SPORTS) Beck Neal M. Ed. Marcus McGraw

2026 Alijah Bright Alijah Bright punches it in the TOUCHDOWN!! La Porte Football 🔥🔥 Kevin Berneathy Tre_LandoTFL Mark Russell La Porte ISD Keith Whitely, M.Ed La Porte HS Recruiting (ALL SPORTS) Beck Neal M. Ed. Marcus McGraw

hudl.com/video/3/176414… 5 tackles, 1 pbu La Porte HS Recruiting (ALL SPORTS) Marcus McGraw samrichardson Kevin Berneathy

Yes sir Beck Neal M. Ed. TK Harrison are the best OL coach’s.