Coaching. Coach Development. Mentoring. Learning. PhD Researcher: Psych Safety in Sport Environments. Don’t grow up, it’s a trap...
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16-01-2019 21:17:34
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psychsafety.co.uk/we-dont-need-p… “We don’t need psychological safety” February 24, 2023 AKA: When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Mulling on this at the moment. Love Tom Geraghty blogs. May get the sharpies out to draft out something based on this...

⚽️ PFA NORTHERN IRELAND LAUNCH 🚀 A huge thanks to our members, CEO NI Football League Gerard Lawlor & Irish FA CEO Patrick Nelson for attending and showing their support. Great to have PFA Ireland & FIFPRO representative Stephen McGuinness speaking at the historical launch.

Really pleased to launch the latest series of The Curious Coaching Podcast on International Council for Coaching Excellence Global Coaches Day. This series will focus on the hugely important & often neglected consideration of Coach Wellbeing. Big thanks to our experts guests for their time & Adam for editing

If you are (or know) an athlete aged 18+ who currently participates in competitive sport, please consider completing/sharing this survey to support MC's PhD (Dr Kyle Paradis) and to help us better measure psychological safety in sport. Please RT. app.onlinesurveys.jisc.ac.uk/s/ulster/psych…

Athletes of all sports are needed for research: This weekend if you have a spare moment please participate in our study by completing a brief survey (it only takes 10-15 mins). Details below ⬇️ Loughborough Sport University of Nottingham Sport @UBSscholarships NTU Sport Edinburgh University Sports Union University of Exeter Sport

Delivered my third and final presentation in the last slot of FEPSAC on behalf of MC Dr Lee-Ann Sharp David Woods School of Sport in a symposium on Psychological Safety in Sport led by Prof Sophia Jowett and fellow presenters Katrien Fransen Ender ŞENEL Dr Mustafa Sarkar

Congrats to MC on publishing the first study of his School of Sport PhD on psychological safety in sport in ISCJ and thanks to supervision team Dr Lee-Ann Sharp David Woods Dr Mustafa Sarkar journals.humankinetics.com/view/journals/…