Coach Ed Hall
Clinic Speaker: USA BASKETBALL, NCAA Final 4. National Asso of Basketball Coaches Guardian of the Game HONOREE.
Hospice of Marion County Foundation Board Member
ID: 2735310889
15-08-2014 19:14:31
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It is disgusting to read the The New York Times and The Washington Post They used to least label their stories as "In Opinion" or "Analysis." Now they just throw headlines out as click bait and present them as News. Ocala StarBanner

I been tell you to shoot for years! DaGreatThinker Phabulous_one

This Team Florida man just helps his team win. DaGreatThinker Paris Basketball

Should be a great day of Basketball. Don Showalter USA Basketball Youth Joe Stasyszyn Coach Hal Wilson, Ph.D. Coach Phillip Small, CAA Allen Pettigrew Supt. Diane Gullett

Broken plays are always first.. John Carrier

"Grade a game film; record the points; Them (players on hustle plays) and Us (coaches on X and o). Players always win. John Carrier Don Showalter