Fondazione Cmcc
Euro-Mediterranean Center on #climatechange: integrated, multi-disciplinary and frontier #research on #climate #science and #policy.
ID: 418034459
http://www.cmcc.it 21-11-2011 17:25:28
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Studies show that energy models underrepresent public preferences for #ClimateChange mitigation pathways. In #net0prisma, an EU-funded project coordinated by CMCC, we aim to elicit these preferences to then inform modeling. 👇🏻 net0prisma.eu/2024/06/28/do-… Post by UNIGE Energy

👉The Circular Economy Modeling Workshop, sponsored by Fondazione Cmcc RFF - CMCC - EIEE with EAYE, IAM-Circ, CIRCOMOD HEU-project, and ScarCyclET gathered leading researchers focused on the economic dimensions of #CircularEconomy in engaging discussions. Read Here: circeular.org/from-the-circu…

Do we know what the impacts of our consumption patterns are? What if acquiring this knowledge encourages us to change our behavior? Read more about the findings of a new study funded by the CMCC through the #COBHAM project. 👉 ow.ly/zgmO50SxFrB RFF - CMCC - EIEE

📣 NATURETHON | Nature and insurance: what is their relation and how can we harness its potential? 🌐 Naturance Webinar 📅 11 Jul 2024 – 4:00 pm CEST Stefano Ceolotto (CMCC) and Georges Farina (VU-IVM). Register to attend: ow.ly/FLmH50SxGCN NATURANCE project @PIISA_project

The Bologna Quantum Alliance is born: a new European hub for quantum sciences and technologies. An agreement that unites Università di Bologna, Cineca, #CMCC, CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, MEDIA INAF, INFN, and Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia 👉 ow.ly/pUjL50SxHzG #BOQA #quantumsciences

Nasce la #BolognaQuantumAlliance La nuova intesa riunisce Università di Bologna, Cineca, CNR Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche , INFN , MEDIA INAF e INGVambiente in un nuovo punto di riferimento europeo per le scienze e le tecnologie quantistiche. 👉 ow.ly/pUjL50SxHzG #BOQA

"Legislating for Life: the hard-won path to Europe’s Nature Restoration Law" 🌐 CMCC Webinar 📅 12 July 2024, 12:00 CEST 🎙️ With: Cristina Cipriano and Elisa Furlan (CMCC). 👉 Register to attend: ow.ly/UiH950SxGTj Cristina Cipriano Elisa Furlan

#Reminder | "New avenues for macro-economic modelling under global constraints" 🌐 #EDITS Webinar 16 July 2024, 4-5:30 pm CEST 👉 Register to attend: ow.ly/IzXc50SsTrE RFF - CMCC - EIEE CircEUlar HorizonEU CIRCOMOD HEU-project International Society for Industrial Ecology

Si è concluso ieri il meeting interno della divisione REMHI del CMCC. Un’occasione di confronto e condivisione sui cluster europei e sui programmi strategici del CMCC, con l’obiettivo di rafforzare il gruppo e favorire sinergie tra le linee di ricerca. #REMHI #CMCC Paola Mercogliano

Il mio intervento stasera a #Zapping Rai Radio1 giancarlo loquenzi per parlare di siccità, Sicilia e cosa fare. Riascoltate qui a fine trasmissione. Fondazione Cmcc raiplaysound.it/audio/2024/07/…

The CMCC Foundation, member of EuroGOOS, invites you to participate to the #survey on #OceanLiteracy Activities with your input and experience! Read more and please submit your feedback by July 31, 2024! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ eurogoos.eu/ocean-literacy… EuroGOOS The Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) #OceanObserving

A series of studies led by CMCC, in collaboration with LegambienteLombardia shows just how significant the impact of agricultural pollution in the Po Valley, Italy, is. With significant implications for policy choices. 👉 ow.ly/Jflm50SC8pV Francesco Granella LaraAR #INHALE

L’Italia tra siccità e alluvioni. Giulio Boccaletti ospite dell’episodio di ieri di “Uno, nessuno e 100Milan” Uno, nessuno, 100Milan, su Radio24. Riascoltala qui 👇🎧radio24.ilsole24ore.com/programmi/uno-… Giulio Boccaletti Alessandro Milan

When policymakers set high targets but fail to commit to them, they create a cycle of credibility loss and increased transition risks. A new study by CMCC shows how this negative feedback loop leads to policy backfiring 👉 cmcc.it/article/believ… Roberta Terranova Emanuele Campiglio

📣 Workshop on Climate Migration 📅July 22-24, 2024 📍Villa del Grumello (Como, Italy) Organised by Dr. Cristina Cattaneo and Dr. Soheil Shayegh (RFF - CMCC - EIEE, CMCC) 🔎 ow.ly/6mEq50SFOs4 Soheil Shayegh #climatechange #climatemigration #climateimpacts