Cloé Hadjadji
PhD student at @vogelwarte_ch 🇨🇭 working on the selection and evolvability of mitochondrial trait in Alpine swift 🐦⬛
ID: 1620707003021623296
01-02-2023 08:54:04
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Trait-specific sensitive developmental windows: Wing growth best integrates weather conditions encountered throughout the development of nestling Alpine swifts | doi.org/10.1002/ece3.1… | Ecology and Evolution | #ornithology

⚠️New paper out!!🎉 Effects of pollutants on telomeres🧬(RTL and TROC) differ between OCPs and PCBs in relation to ♂️♀️ and age in Alpine swifts🐦 Bize Pierre François Criscuolo Francesca Gray Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions IPHC Strasbourg Vogelwarte_Science doi.org/10.1016/j.scit…

Birds exposed to stress factors of human origin suffer different consequences impacting their health and fitness. Bize Pierre and #BettinaAlmasi give us an insight at the current research at the Swiss Ornithological Institute. #BirdScience100

After a lot of blood (including some from me due to psychotic blue tits), sweat and tears, our comparative study of the plasma metabolome in forest and urban tits is out! Biology, LU sciencedirect.com/science/articl… #ornithology #UrbanEcology #metabolomics #tits

Despite a partly missing title and last minute preparation, I manage to present complex results from my past Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions project in LEHNA at #SEB2024 Quail, stress, mitochondria = complex story! IPHC Strasbourg

⭐️JOB ALERT⭐️ We are looking for a migration ecologist to strengthen our #birdmigration tracking team Vogelwarte_Science Apply by 20 Sep my.jobalino.ch/de/jobpreview/…

Very happy to present my poster summarizing my PhD project at Ecology & Behaviour 2024 !🐦⬛ A lot of interesting discussions and presentations all over the week, and many good moments in between all of this science ☀️

#ecobhrv2024 #EcotoxicologyEcophysiology Telomere length is a potential reflect of individual quality🧬But how do early-life conditions affect telomere length and individuals’ future performance🤔🎤Jingqi Liu (Corey) from CEBC/ChizéLab is answering this question with a 🇧🇻 kittiwake colony

Please RT 🚨 : 6/12 months internship at Vogelwarte_Science in our group, working on how IGF-1 IS shaping growth and life history trade-offs in our dear Alpine Swift! 🐦⬛🇨🇭 This work is part of my PhD for which i'm working on mitochondrial traits selection and heritability 🧬

Open #PhD researcher position in my group University of Jyväskylä FINLAND:Contribution of #genetic and #environmental factors on #microbiome variation in birds, and its associations with #thermal #physiology. DL 13th Oct, starting in Jan25/flexible ats.talentadore.com/apply/doctoral…

MSc thesis project available at Vogelwarte_Science supervised by me and Bize Pierre! Interested in learning cool stats, fieldwork in dusty old buildings and working with incredible #birds? Write me an email! Please retweet! 🐦 #AlpineSwift #ornithology #ecology #ClimateChange

Please RT! 🙂 MSc project available with Bize Pierre and me! Interested in #ornithology, #entomology, #movementecology and the links between weather, foraging & breeding success? Cool study system, cool bell towers, cool birds! Apply with letter & CV tinyurl.com/alpineswiftMSc