@HorizonEU CleanCloud project (Clouds & climate transitioning to post-fossil aerosol regime), to vastly improve understanding of #aerosol-#cloud interactions
ID: 1682297961726738433 21-07-2023 07:55:03
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The picture with the #Moomin is so cool! Great to see all the research already coming out of CleanCloud_HE, spend time with consortium members at #EAC2024 & plan the next important steps: the #CHOPIN campaign Helmos Station, Villum analyses, PPEs & much more. EPFL FORTH
Our Bilfinger SE #PINE #cloud chamber arrived, enabling #ice nuclei observation (-10 to -60C) for long periods of time. First use: the multi-month CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment Helmos Station. Thank you Swiss National Science Foundation & @epfl_en for funding! EPFL-ENAC FORTH CSTACC_FORTH KIT Karlsruhe
See #EGUhighlights! #Bioaerosol key for INPs in BL&FT #clouds, even during #dust. New param's treat BioINP, dust & superior to any published. #CALISHTO Helmos Station EPFL KIT Karlsruhe CSTACC_FORTH European Research Council (ERC) @PyroTRACH CleanCloud_HE Swiss National Science Foundation Panacea Research Infrastructure…
See npj Journals paper led by Vivi Georgakaki !#Secondaryice imprint in #CALISHTO #cloudradar spectra helps constrain & improve extreme precip predictions. CSTACC_FORTH FORTH NTUA LRSU-Laser Remote Sensing Unit EPFL Helmos Station @PyroTRACH European Research Council (ERC) CleanCloud_HE Panacea Research Infrastructure
A possible candidate for resonant planetary wave amplification (see our 2018 Science Advances article on how #climatechange is increasing the frequency of this phenomenon:…). We're currently attempting to confirm (but will take a few days)
📢 The 7th seminar of CleanCloud_HE Monthly Seminar Series is coming up! We are excited to feature Prof. Henrik Skov from Aarhus University. Interested in #aerosols in the high #Arctic? Join us next Wednesday at 13:00 CET on zoom!…
Mt. Helmos, here we come!🏔️🌥️🇬🇷 CleanCloud_HE #campaignprep #CHOPINcampaign
One by one CleanCloud_HE partners are finalising their preparations & shipping their instruments to the #CHOPIN experiment at Helmos Station Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university EPFL-ENAC CSTACC_FORTH Athanasios Nenes The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺
📢Reminder! Join us tomorrow at 13:00 CET for the seminar by Prof. Henrik Skov from Aarhus University. Don't miss out—see you there!
Thrilled to host Prof. R. Weber Georgia Tech EAS at EPFL-ENAC & CSTACC_FORTH to discuss research & visit ReCLEAN_JI MétéoSuisse & CleanCloud_HE Helmos Station #CHOPIN campaigns! You're invited to his seminar, Friday Oct.4 @ 12pm CET - See you there!… FORTH
🗣️«Το να φτάσουμε σε ένα καταστροφικά ζεστό μέλλον μπορεί να είναι ευκολότερο από ό,τι πιστεύαμε. Η τάση μεγάλης υπερθέρμανσης πρέπει να ληφθεί πολύ σοβαρά υπόψη», συνοψίζει ο καθ. Αθανάσιος Νένες, Δ/ντής Athanasios Nenes & συν-συντονιστής CSTACC_FORTH ΙΕΧΜΗ-ΙΤΕ
Prof. Weber delivered a superb seminar! Highly recommended to see the recording, especially for those that could not make it live. Enjoy!… Georgia Tech EAS EPFL-ENAC CSTACC_FORTH ReCLEAN_JI MétéoSuisse CleanCloud_HE Helmos Station FORTH
In preparation for the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment at Helmos Station we had group members from CSTACC_FORTH visit EPFL-ENAC to train on sampling bioaoerosol for cyometry and INP measurements! The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺 Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university
Shipping lots of equipment from EPFL-ENAC and MIO for the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment at Helmos Station! LIPIC-Air @epfl_en CSTACC_FORTH Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺 Romanos Foskinis
The NTUA LRSU-Laser Remote Sensing Unit @epfl_en FORTH #lidar van has an amazing array of capabilities to profile the aerosol during the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment Helmos Station! @enacEPFL Ακαδημία Αθηνών / Academy of Athens CSTACC_FORTH Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺
Radar is off its way to Helmos Station for the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment! @epfl_en CSTACC_FORTH Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺 Romanos Foskinis
There are 3 sites for the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment at Helmos Station. We needed some road, so Kalavrita Ski Center took care of that for us! @epfl_en CSTACC_FORTH Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university The Cyprus Institute NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 Horizon Europe🇪🇺 Romanos Foskinis #Helmos
Bringing our Bilfinger SE #PINE #cloud #ice nuclei chamber to the CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN experiment Helmos Station was a major success. Kudos! Romanos Foskinis Swiss National Science Foundation @epfl_en EPFL-ENAC FORTH CSTACC_FORTH KIT Karlsruhe Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni CINEA 🇪🇺 @LIPICair
An amazing group of 50+ people from 10+ institutions throughout Europe work extra hard & well to make the mega-experiment #CHOPIN Helmos Station a great success! CleanCloud_HE Swiss National Science Foundation @epfl_en FORTH CSTACC_FORTH Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university NCSR Demokritos Department of Environmental Science at Sthlm Uni The Cyprus Institute CNR ISAC
The NTUA LRSU-Laser Remote Sensing Unit-EPFL-FORTH lidar at CleanCloud_HE #CHOPIN Helmos Station is giving amazing data on #aerosol backscatter, depolarization, fluorescence. Check it in action! Romanos Foskinis EPFL-ENAC FORTH CSTACC_FORTH ACTRIS Dep. of Environmental Science, Aarhus university NCSR Demokritos Ακαδημία Αθηνών / Academy of Athens