Dr. Claire Pomeroy
Claire Pomeroy is President of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation. @LaskerFDN
ID: 2447961475
http://www.laskerfoundation.org 16-04-2014 20:17:22
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An unexpected corridor to #brainmetastasis: #breastcancer cells (BCCs) migrate from the bone marrow to the leptomeninges. ow.ly/UWFn50SOgHa Andy Whiteley, PhD @dukecancer Duke Department of Medicine
>180 million (about 60%) of US adults will have some type of heart or vascular disease, including high blood pressure, by 2050, according to projections. Costs will total about $1.8 trillion annually by 2050, per study in Circulation ow.ly/4z0l50SP8Kf #heartdisease
Women are still underrepresented in medical device trials: a review of 195 trials evaluating medical devices, most from 2013-2022, found that only ~1/3 of participants were women, with the largest disparity in cardiovascular device trials. JAMA Internal Medicine ow.ly/QxLU50SOorq
The World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General declares #mpox outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. who.int/news/item/14-0…
Cancer cases and deaths in men predicted to increase by 93%, and #cancer disparities will also widen by 2050. American Cancer Society Society states that promoting universal health coverage will be crucial to ensure cancer equity. ow.ly/i2ma50SWVBC