Civic Heart
A million Texans could lose Medicaid, beginning as early as next week. Here's how to know if you might be one of those affected, and who to reach out to for help finding health care coverage. (cc: Civic Heart)…
Today Jene Cash and others were honored by Mayor Sylvester Turner with the Bravo Award. Jene Cash is one of our board members who, for decades, has helped Civic Heart Community Services, formerly Change Happens!, accomplish our mission of "helping people to empower themselves."
Our Navigator Program works tirelessly to enroll families into affordable healthcare plans. Check out Noticias45Houston , featuring CH Navigator Program's Margarita Romo sharing with our services with our community.
Reunited w/ longtime friends in #ThirdWard at Civic Heart’s (FKA: Change Happens) open house! Loved catching up with everyone. It was also a welcome surprise to see my good friend Garnet Coleman celebrating with us! These community services are crucial & w/ Civic Heart reaching