Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile
Dacian Cioloş


MEP, @RenewEurope Group in the EP, @EP_Agriculture and @EP_ForeignAff committees

ID: 4171877789

linkhttps://www.dacianciolos.eu/ calendar_today12-11-2015 14:36:36

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Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Now that 🇵🇱 is back in Europe with Donald Tusk’s election, Bucharest and Warsaw have a great opportunity to deepen their ties and directly influence the EU’s enlargement policy, accession negotiations with 🇲🇩 and 🇺🇦 & their common interests as EU member states and NATO allies.

Now that 🇵🇱 is back in Europe with <a href="/donaldtusk/">Donald Tusk</a>’s election, Bucharest and Warsaw have a great opportunity to deepen their ties and directly influence the EU’s enlargement policy, accession negotiations with 🇲🇩 and 🇺🇦 &amp; their common interests as EU member states and NATO allies.
Charles Michel (@charlesmichel) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The European Council has decided to open accession negotiations with Ukraine & Moldova. #EUCO granted candidate status to Georgia. And the EU will open negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina once the necessary degree of compliance with the membership criteria is reached and

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Historic decision at today’s #EUCO summit to open accesion negotiations with #Moldova & #Ukraine. The EU delivers, once again. Together, we’ll work for a larger & more united 🇪🇺, without #unanimity.

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Saddened by the news of Wolfgang Schäuble’s passing, one of the architects of 🇩🇪’s peaceful reunification and a committed pro-European. I first met Dr. Schäuble while he was serving as Fin Min and I was EU Agri Comm. A great loss for Europe. Foto: Inquam Photos/Tudor Costache

Saddened by the news of Wolfgang Schäuble’s passing, one of the architects of 🇩🇪’s peaceful reunification and a committed pro-European. I first met Dr. Schäuble while he was serving as Fin Min and I was EU Agri Comm. A great loss for Europe. 

Foto: Inquam Photos/Tudor Costache
Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Jacques Delors reminds us the essence of being European. Tirelessly building our Union, his legacy: Schengen, the Single Market, Erasmus, the Euro - is now more important than ever. We owe it to him and his generation to continue strengthening the 🇪🇺project. Let’s keep pedalling!

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

J.Delors nous rappelle l'essence d'être Européen. En construisant sans relâche notre Union: Schengen, le Marché Unique, Erasmus, l'Euro - est désormais plus important que jamais. Nous lui devons, ainsi qu'à sa génération, de continuer à renforcer le projet🇪🇺. Continuons à pédaler

Luc Vernet (@lucvernet) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Pour Jacques #Delors, président de la Commission européenne, on ne pouvait construire l'Europe en fragilisant ses politiques historiques telles que la Politique agricole commune #PAC. Il s'est opposé à la renationalisation, a défendu l'unité du marché, la solidarité financière,

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

PSD și PNL se comasează de frica alegerilor. Marcel Ciolacu și Nicolae Ciucă sunt speriați. „Stabilitatea” pe care le-au promis-o românilor, alături de președintele Iohannis, care a creat, girat și protejat alianța PSD - PNL, nu s-a materializat. m.digi24.ro/opinii/psd-si-…

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Roșia Montană rămâne în patrimoniul mondial UNESCO iar statul român nu plătește nici o despăgubire. Sper că cei care m-au acuzat în ultimii ani să înțeleagă că patrimoniul național cu valoare mondială nu se vinde și că este datoria noastră să îl protejăm onest, până la capăt.

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Shocking images coming from Slovakia. I condemn all forms of political violence and wish PM Fico a speedy recovery. The entire Union stands with Slovakia. 🇸🇰🇪🇺

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Dick Schoof for his appointment as NATO Secretary General! I’m sure Mark will be an excellent SecGen who will take into account the Eastern Flank Allies’ views. We need to continue our support for 🇺🇦 and deter 🇷🇺 from further aggression.

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A pleasure to be in FoEs’ latest podcast. Two takeaways: the 🇪🇺’s enlargement towards 🇺🇦 can be viewed as an opportunity and not a burden for Bxl. 🇪🇺 does not reject the transatlantic partnership, but must enhance strategic autonomy in all fields, incl. industry & defense.

Dacian Cioloş (@ciolosdacian) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Michel Barnier for his appointment as Prime Minister of France. Having worked with and knowing Michel personally, I am convinced his wisdom, experience and humanity will prove useful to France and Europe, especially in these difficult times. 🇪🇺🇫🇷