CW Memorial Trust
The Chris Walker Memorial Trust was set up to remember Chris Walker. | Avalanche Awareness Training with SAIS | #BeAvalancheAware #ThinkWinter
ID: 444825863
http://www.chriswalkertrust.co.uk/ 23-12-2011 17:49:44
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Congratulations to 4 new forecasters joining the SAIS team after successfully completing the forecaster Training programme. Alison Thacker, Heather Morning, Di Gilbert and Gillian Parker proudly wearing their new MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT tops displaying the coveted SAIS badge.

*Now Live* Mountain CRM - An introduction to ‘Crew Resource Management’ and ‘Human Factors’ in Avalanche Terrain. This online CPD course for leaders, instructors and mountain guides is now available. mountain-assurance.teachable.com/courses Brit Mountain Guides The AMI @MtnTraining James Thacker

Closing date for Chris Walker Grant for free place on Ski Performance for Mountaineers is 31st July. Course dates to be released in September offpiste.org.uk/courses-trips/… CW Memorial Trust

CASM v3.0 Human Factors Tool for Avalanche Terrain… mountainassurance.co.uk/casm-v3-0/ Brit Mountain Guides #britishmountainguides CW Memorial Trust

You can now easily give to us on Sustainably.co and see the impact you’re having. Simply connect your bank and Sustainably will round up your spare change from everyday purchases, like coffees, groceries, as you shop. Have an impact everyday with Sustainably

Lucky to have had a look at James Thacker ‘s new online Mountain CRM course. Highly relevant to mountaineers, skiers, instructors and mountain SAR personnel. mountain-assurance.teachable.com/p/mountain-crm

I recently attended an Avalanche Awareness workshop for The AMI provided by the CW Memorial Trust and delivered by the Scottish Avalanche Information Service sais coordinator. Heres a useful e-learning tool to help winter mountain users make decisions: be-avalanche-aware.teachable.com/p/be-avalanche…

Below is a talk delivered to students attending some of our winter training courses. Essential avalanche awareness education for enjoying the hills safely! #ThinkWinter @MtnTraining Snowsport Scotland Scottish MR DMBinS Mountaineering Scotland Mountain Training Scotland🏴 youtube.com/watch?v=bSSEkm…

Twelve years today Chris Walker was killed on Buachaille Etive Mor in Glencoe. Since then approaching 500 leaders, instructors and guides have benefited from addition avalanche training courses in Scotland thanks to CW Memorial Trust and sais coordinator

Delighted to hear that the Chris Walker Memorial Trust (CWMT) has been awarded a grant to support avalanche training courses for the coming season. All credit to Tim Nicholl for his efforts on this one. thesmt.org.uk CW Memorial Trust The AMI Mountain Training Scotland🏴