Chris Piecuch
spouse to @HannahEPea, dog dad to Penny & Lance, sea-level scientist @WHOI, associate editor @EarthsFutureEiC, working group lead @NASA sea-level change team
ID: 1238943377594494980
http://go.whoi.edu/piecuch-lab 14-03-2020 21:41:58
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Our #AGU24 session is calling for abstracts 📢📢🥳! Excited to be convening PP007-Advancing Paleoclimatology by Combining Data, Models, and Theory with Dan Amrhein, Alyssa Atwood, and Jack Scheff this year! agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/prel… AGU Paleo Section Early Career Researchers Past Global Changes

Just published in AGU Advances, by a large group of AGU (American Geophysical Union) editors (led by Noah Diffenbaugh). Yes... sometimes we have to contact >20 potential reviewers. 🙃 We discuss other issues, and some optimism. agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.10…

Could not be more excited about Carolina Camargo’s paper on coastal sea level and local ocean dynamics that was just published in GRL! agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/20…

So proud of Universidad de Guanajuato student Isis Mociño Sánchez for the amazing work she's been doing as a summer student fellow Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) researching sea-level rise in the Gulf of Mexico with me, Carolina Camargo, Catherine Colello Walker, and Julia Guimond! 💫✨🙌👏

This The New Yorker piece on our search for sea level is absolutely brilliant newyorker.com/magazine/2024/…

Anyone read Nature Communications today? To misquote Snoop Dogg, there's so much drama with the FCT❗️ (Florida Current transport) nature.com/articles/s4146… Is the Gulf Stream weakening or is it not? 🤷♂️👿❓