Chris Woodruff
Dodge City Community College. Holy Cross college graduate. #SaveHoCroBaseball
ID: 981191955592957952
03-04-2018 15:29:26
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🏈Gameday | #GoConqs Dodge City Football kicks off the season at home under the lights against Tyler in a Kansas vs Texas showdown 🆚Tyler 🕛7:00pm - live pregame start 6:40pm 📍Dodge City, KS 💻Watch: goconqs.com/sports/2018/8/… Sponsored by: Soulspring Spa & Wellness #BurnTheBoats

Big win for the 1-0 Conqs. CONGRATS to Coach Lusby on the first one for the ages! 3 weather delays. 11:30 re start. AD/Asst AD running the clock at the end. 1 Win. I will do it all over tomorrow for the same result. #ConqsAfterDark #BurnTheBoats 🔥 🛶

We are back at it. 1 game down of 6 today in the victory Electric Classic this morning. Conquistador Volleyball is on the floor now! Mike Smith is on the call. It’s not work if you love what you do! #GoConqs 🔥 🛶

Just in case you aren't juiced up enough after a BIG season opening WIN for Dodge City Football in the early hours of the morning....give this a look👀🔥🔥🔥 The Conqs are here....a New ERA Begins!!! #BurnTheBoats #TheCONQuestHasBegun

Rivalry week for both Dodge City Football and Conquistador Volleyball #BurnTheBoats

🚨🏈GIVEAWAY🏈🚨 Scooters Coffee☕️ Field Goal Contest - halftime of Dodge City Football game vs Garden City on Saturday, September 7th (7pm kickoff) 4-people have chance to kick 10, 20, & 35-yard field goals for prizes from Scooters Coffee☕️ Prizes: $25 gift card (10-yards) $50 gift

S/O to Dodge City Community College Men's Soccer HC Juan Espinal who helped fill in as a ball boy last night at an AWAY game nonetheless. After his long hard fought game there was noticeable nobody around to help retrieve errant balls for the woman’s contest. #GoConqs