Kim Parsons
ID: 4469541314
06-12-2015 00:44:10
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#JobAlert: We're looking for a new post doctoral fellow to join our team to study Arctic marine mammals using aerial surveys, and also examine the diet of ice seals. Please share widely. UVic School of Earth and Ocean Sciences UVic Science WCS Canada Job ad/apply here: wcscanada.bamboohr.com/careers/68

Excited to see this work published! We propose elevating the species status of Bigg’s and resident killer whales to full species considering genetics, morphology and more! Paper link: royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rs… Phillip Morin (he/him) Kim Parsons John Durban and collaborators not on X.

Social and genetic connectivity despite ecological variation in a killer #whale network #ProcB #OpenAccess ow.ly/UmoL50RjEL8 #Behaviour #Genetics Andy Foote

Excited for the U.S. to focus on #eDNA and support it with a National Strategy! It’s been an inspiring process with input from hundreds of people. eDNA detection can rapidly advance natural resource management and conservation. #marineeDNA #aquaticeDNA whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-upda…