Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal


The C·E·P·S Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original papers related to the field of Teacher Education & Educational Sciences.

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Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

''Take a look at another article titled "Dimensions of Object Relations in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Basis for Strengthening Social Relatedness Skills" by Simona Rogič Ožek, here:… #objectrelations #autismspectrumdisorder

''Take a look at another article titled "Dimensions of Object Relations in People with Autism Spectrum Disorder as a Basis for Strengthening Social Relatedness Skills" by Simona Rogič Ožek, here:…
#objectrelations #autismspectrumdisorder
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Check out a book review, published in our latest isssue “Jan L. Plass, Richard E. Mayer and Bruce D. Homer (Eds.), Handbook of Game-Based Learning ...” by Matej Zapušek. Link here:… #bookreviews

"Check out a book review, published in our latest isssue “Jan L. Plass, Richard E. Mayer and Bruce D. Homer (Eds.), Handbook of Game-Based Learning ...” by Matej Zapušek. Link here:…
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have a look at our recently accepted paper, titled “Teachers’ Metaphors and Beliefs about Teaching and their Relationship with Job Satisfaction” by Erika Löfström, Katrin Poom-Valickis, Kirsti Rumma:… #beliefsaboutteaching #emotions #jobsatisfaction

Have a look at our recently accepted paper, titled “Teachers’ Metaphors and Beliefs about Teaching and their Relationship with Job Satisfaction” by Erika Löfström, Katrin Poom-Valickis, Kirsti Rumma:…
#beliefsaboutteaching #emotions #jobsatisfaction
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Check out our recently accepted paper, titled “Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Classroom Observations” by Melita Lemut Bajec:… #attitudes #implementations #peerandsupervisoryobservation

Check out our recently accepted paper, titled “Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Classroom Observations” by Melita Lemut Bajec:…
#attitudes #implementations #peerandsupervisoryobservation
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Take a look at this new article “Student-Centred Approaches in Higher Education from the Student Perspective" by Sabina Ograjšek, Milena Ivanuš Grmek:… #highereducation #sstudentcentredapproach #roleoftheteacher

Take a look at this new article “Student-Centred Approaches in Higher Education from the Student Perspective" by Sabina Ograjšek, Milena Ivanuš Grmek:…
#highereducation #sstudentcentredapproach #roleoftheteacher
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Have a look at our recently accepted paper, titled “Contradictions and Challenges: University Teachers’ Views on Performance Evaluation Models in Portugal and Spain” by T. F. Gómez Sánchez, M. A. Moreira, B. Rumbo Arcas:… #accountability #HigherEducation

Have a look at our recently accepted paper, titled “Contradictions and Challenges: University Teachers’ Views on Performance Evaluation Models in Portugal and Spain” by T. F. Gómez Sánchez, M. A. Moreira, B. Rumbo Arcas:…
#accountability #HigherEducation
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a look at this new article “Food Safety Knowledge Among Tourism Faculty Undergraduates in Slovenia: Can Social Media Leverage Educational Gaps?” by Marko Kukanja, Saša Planinc:… #FoodSafety #Slovenia #Students

Take a look at this new article “Food Safety Knowledge Among Tourism Faculty Undergraduates in Slovenia: Can Social Media Leverage Educational Gaps?” by Marko Kukanja, Saša Planinc:…
#FoodSafety #Slovenia #Students
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new focus issue (3/2024) on the topic of Pluri/Multilingual Education has just been published! See the full issue here:… #PlurilingualEducation #MultilingualEducation

Our new focus issue (3/2024) on the topic of Pluri/Multilingual Education has just been published! See the full issue here:… #PlurilingualEducation #MultilingualEducation
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the editorial for our latest focus issue, written by the focus issue editors Andreja Retelj and Karmen Pižorn, here:… #Editorial #MultilingualEducation

Check out the editorial for our latest focus issue, written by the focus issue editors Andreja Retelj and Karmen Pižorn, here:…
#Editorial #MultilingualEducation
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

''Check out the article, titled Fostering Language Awareness in a Plurilingual Learning Environment by Špela Jolić Kozina, Silva Bratož and Mojca Žefra, which has been published in our latest focus issue, here:… #LanguageAwareness #LinguisticDiversity

''Check out the article, titled Fostering Language Awareness in a Plurilingual Learning Environment by Špela Jolić Kozina, Silva Bratož and Mojca Žefra, which has been published in our latest focus issue, here:…
#LanguageAwareness #LinguisticDiversity
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Slovenian Primary School Pupils’ Perception of Plurilingual Competence by Tina Rozmanič, Ana Kogovšek, Žan Korošec and Karmen Pižorn, here:… #plurilingualcompetence #PrimarySchoolPupils

Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Slovenian Primary School Pupils’ Perception of Plurilingual Competence by Tina Rozmanič, Ana Kogovšek, Žan Korošec and Karmen Pižorn, here:…
#plurilingualcompetence #PrimarySchoolPupils
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

''Check out the article from our latest focus issue, titled ‘English is a Subject that You Should Teach Yourself ’: Power and Learner Identity in the Language Introduction Programme in Sweden by Jenny Bergström, here:… #Languageideology #learneridentity

''Check out the article from our latest focus issue, titled ‘English is a Subject that You Should Teach Yourself ’: Power and Learner Identity in the Language Introduction Programme in Sweden by Jenny Bergström, here:…
#Languageideology #learneridentity
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Survey on the Attitudes of School Community Members ... by Tina Čok, here:… #languageofschooling #linguisticintegration

Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Survey on the Attitudes of School Community Members ... by Tina Čok, here:…
#languageofschooling #linguisticintegration
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the article, titled Examining Indonesian English as a Foreign Language Lecturers’ Attitudes Towards Translanguaging ... by Mohammed Yassin Mohd Aba Sha'ar and Nur Lailatur Rofiah, published in our latest focus issue, here:… #multilingualism

Check out the article, titled Examining Indonesian English as a Foreign Language Lecturers’ Attitudes Towards Translanguaging ... by Mohammed Yassin Mohd Aba Sha'ar and Nur Lailatur Rofiah, published in our latest focus issue, here:…
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out another article, titled Language-Related Expressions of Personality by Željko Rački, Željka Flegar and Mojca Juriševič, here:… #BigFivePersonalityTraits #LanguageConstructs #PersonalityPsychology

Check out another article, titled Language-Related Expressions of Personality by Željko Rački, Željka Flegar and Mojca Juriševič, here:…
#BigFivePersonalityTraits #LanguageConstructs #PersonalityPsychology
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Take a look at another article from our latest focus issue, titled Remote Learning and Stress in Mothers of Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder .. by Daniela Cvitković, Ana Wagner Jakab and Jasmina Stošić, here:… #ADHD #CovidLockdown

Take a look at another article from our latest focus issue, titled Remote Learning and Stress in Mothers of Students with Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder .. by Daniela Cvitković, Ana Wagner Jakab and Jasmina Stošić, here:…
#ADHD #CovidLockdown
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out the article, titled The Impact of the 5E Learning Model Improved with Concept Maps on Motivation by Lütfiye Varoğlu, Ayhan Yilmaz and Şenol Şen, published in our focus issue, here:… #ConceptMaps #Motivation

Check out the article, titled The Impact of the 5E Learning Model Improved with Concept Maps on Motivation by Lütfiye Varoğlu, Ayhan Yilmaz and Şenol Şen, published in our focus issue, here:…
#ConceptMaps #Motivation
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

''Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Primary School Teachers' Personal and Professional Beliefs on Diversity by Željka Knežević, here:… #Diversity #PrimarySchool #TeachersBeliefs

''Take a look at another article from our September focus issue, titled Primary School Teachers' Personal and Professional Beliefs on Diversity by Željka Knežević, here:…
#Diversity #PrimarySchool #TeachersBeliefs
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal (@cepsjournal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Check out a book review, published in our latest issue, titled Wendy Ayres-Bennet and Linda Fisher (Eds.), Multilingualism and Identity ... by Andreja Retelj, here:… #bookreviews

Check out a book review, published in our latest issue, titled Wendy Ayres-Bennet and Linda Fisher (Eds.), Multilingualism and Identity ... by Andreja Retelj, here:…