Centralina EDD
The official Economic Development District for the Charlotte region. Serving Anson, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly and Union Counties.
ID: 1125766670130327552
http://www.centralinaedd.org 07-05-2019 14:17:44
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The Centralina EDD launched the Regional Resilience Collaborative to examine the viability of emergency management disaster recovery plans and economic resilience needs to improve the region's efficiency in responding to disasters and economic shocks. loom.ly/8cSQG1k

Nominate a 2022 project/program/person for: Cross-Community Collaboration, Local Government Innovation, Improving Quality of Life, Clean Cities, Aging in Action or Government Leadership Excellence. Deadline: Friday, Jan. 6 loom.ly/RNjTTEo Centralina Regional Planning CentralinaCleanFuels

RFP: Disaster Recovery Financial Training. NC Association of Councils of Governments is seeking qualified consultant firms to develop and deliver disaster recovery financial administration training. Deadline: Friday, January 6, 2023 loom.ly/F9EIxG4 NC Public Safety

On Thursday, our Regional Managers group participated in an interactive session focused on housing in our region. Thank you to Mecklenburg County for hosting this immersive discussion focused on promoting housing preservation and housing innovation in our local communities.

Today the Centralina team met with Rep. Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. at her open house to discuss our housing preservation initiative. This project will help to determine program and policy needs for preserving housing for seniors and disabled veteran homeowners.