Centralina EDD (@centralinaedd) 's Twitter Profile
Centralina EDD


The official Economic Development District for the Charlotte region. Serving Anson, Cabarrus, Gaston, Iredell, Mecklenburg, Rowan, Stanly and Union Counties.

ID: 1125766670130327552

linkhttp://www.centralinaedd.org calendar_today07-05-2019 14:17:44

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Centralina EDD (@centralinaedd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

2022 Greater Charlotte Region Economic Development Survey: We would like your input as a part of the Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy update. Feedback will assist in creating a five-year economic development strategy for the Centralina region. loom.ly/nwz2zgA

Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Centralina EDD launched the Regional Resilience Collaborative to examine the viability of emergency management disaster recovery plans and economic resilience needs to improve the region's efficiency in responding to disasters and economic shocks. loom.ly/8cSQG1k

Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

FREE EVENT this Wed 8/24: #Affordablehousing is a multifaceted and pressing issue that impacts every community in our region differently. Join this free webinar with NC Legal Aid as we dive into the Fair Housing Act and other housing related laws in NC. loom.ly/nNHQK1M

Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Nominate a 2022 project/program/person for: Cross-Community Collaboration, Local Government Innovation, Improving Quality of Life, Clean Cities, Aging in Action or Government Leadership Excellence. Deadline: Friday, Jan. 6 loom.ly/RNjTTEo Centralina Regional Planning CentralinaCleanFuels

Nominate a 2022 project/program/person for: Cross-Community Collaboration, Local Government Innovation, Improving Quality of Life, Clean Cities, Aging in Action or Government Leadership Excellence. Deadline: Friday, Jan. 6 loom.ly/RNjTTEo <a href="/CentralinaPlan/">Centralina Regional Planning</a> <a href="/CLTCleanCities/">CentralinaCleanFuels</a>
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

RFP: Disaster Recovery Financial Training. NC Association of Councils of Governments is seeking qualified consultant firms to develop and deliver disaster recovery financial administration training. Deadline: Friday, January 6, 2023 loom.ly/F9EIxG4 NC Public Safety

RFP: Disaster Recovery Financial Training. NC Association of Councils of Governments is seeking qualified consultant firms to develop and deliver disaster recovery financial administration training. Deadline: Friday, January 6, 2023 loom.ly/F9EIxG4
<a href="/NCPublicSafety/">NC Public Safety</a>
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On Thursday, our Regional Managers group participated in an interactive session focused on housing in our region. Thank you to Mecklenburg County for hosting this immersive discussion focused on promoting housing preservation and housing innovation in our local communities.

On Thursday, our Regional Managers group participated in an interactive session focused on housing in our region. Thank you to <a href="/MeckCounty/">Mecklenburg County</a>  for hosting this immersive discussion focused on promoting housing preservation and housing innovation in our local communities.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Today the Centralina team met with Rep. Alma S. Adams, Ph.D. at her open house to discuss our housing preservation initiative. This project will help to determine program and policy needs for preserving housing for seniors and disabled veteran homeowners.

Today the Centralina team met with <a href="/RepAdams/">Rep. Alma S. Adams, Ph.D.</a> at her open house to discuss our housing preservation initiative. 

This project will help to determine program and policy needs for preserving housing for seniors and disabled veteran homeowners.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Centralina is honored to have facilitated Statesville Thrives, a housing symposium that allowed for community input to determine action items to bolster the community. Findings from the event will be shared with participants and posted on our website and event partner websites.

Centralina is honored to have facilitated Statesville Thrives, a housing symposium that allowed for community input to determine action items to bolster the community. Findings from the event will be shared with participants and posted on our website and event partner websites.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We recently took a deep dive into current regional trends and how they are currently being addressed by Centralina, as well as how they will continue to be addressed in upcoming years. Learn more about these trends and what it means for your community: loom.ly/2gL4-m0

We recently took a deep dive into current regional trends and how they are currently being addressed by Centralina, as well as how they will continue to be addressed in upcoming years. 
Learn more about these trends and what it means for your community: loom.ly/2gL4-m0
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REGISTER TODAY to attend FEMA Public Assistance Preparedness training for local government staff to learn effectively manage public assistance funding when disaster strikes. This free in-person workshop is available on Feb. 8 or Feb. 13, 10am-3pm. loom.ly/c6fGIl0

REGISTER TODAY to attend FEMA Public Assistance Preparedness training for local government staff to learn effectively manage public assistance funding when disaster strikes. This free in-person workshop is available on Feb. 8 or Feb. 13, 10am-3pm. 

Centralina EDD (@centralinaedd) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Join this free in-person event to learn about the difficulties childcare issues cause. Topics include: - Materials on local childcare data/trends - How childcare impacts the workforce - What you can do to bolster childcare in your economy Register: loom.ly/UtsTzNY

Join this free in-person event to learn about the difficulties childcare issues cause. Topics include:
- Materials on local childcare data/trends
- How childcare impacts the workforce
- What you can do to bolster childcare in your economy
Register: loom.ly/UtsTzNY
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This week is Severe Weather #Preparedness Week in NC. Are you ready? You can receive alerts in a variety of ways - local radio/tv stations, NOAA weather radio, Wireless Emergency Alerts, mobile apps, Emergency Alert Systems, etc. Visit ready.gov/alerts to learn more.

This week is Severe Weather #Preparedness Week in NC. Are you ready? You can receive alerts in a variety of ways - local radio/tv stations, NOAA weather radio, Wireless Emergency Alerts, mobile apps, Emergency Alert Systems, etc. Visit ready.gov/alerts to learn more.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you ready for thunderstorms & high winds? About 10% of NC thunderstorms are classified as severe. Strong winds can turn tree branches & loose objects into dangerous projectiles. Help your community stay safe by trimming trees & picking up items. readync.gov.

Are you ready for thunderstorms &amp; high winds? About 10% of NC thunderstorms are classified as severe. Strong winds can turn tree branches &amp; loose objects into dangerous projectiles. Help your community stay safe by trimming trees &amp; picking up items.  readync.gov.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Did you know that lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun and can reach temps around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit? So, when you see a flash, immediately dash inside! You are safest indoors or inside a metal hard-topped vehicle. For more info, visit readync.gov.

Did you know that lightning is hotter than the surface of the sun and can reach temps around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit? So, when you see a flash, immediately dash inside! You are safest indoors or inside a metal hard-topped vehicle. For more info, visit readync.gov.
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Floods are the most prominent disaster impacting our region. During a flood, stay indoors or seek higher ground. Do no attempt to cross flood waters. It only takes 6" inches of water to sweep a person off their feet; 12" to sweep a car away. More info at readync.gov

Floods are the most prominent disaster impacting our region. During a flood, stay indoors or seek higher ground. Do no attempt to cross flood waters. It only takes 6" inches of water to sweep a person off their feet; 12" to sweep a car away. More info at readync.gov
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

REGISTRATION OPEN ๐Ÿ“ Join us for a virtual "Regional Economic Briefing" on March 27th from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Guest speaker Mark Vitner will be diving into how current conditions and trends may affect local government budgets this year. Register here: loom.ly/o1LxPOo


Join us for a virtual "Regional Economic Briefing" on March 27th from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

Guest speaker Mark Vitner will be diving into how current conditions and trends may affect local government budgets this year. 

Register here: loom.ly/o1LxPOo
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Last fall, Centralina EDD Board Members took a tour of @UNCCharlotte's metrology lab. The visit and discussions were apart of Centralina's collaboration with the university to create a tech hub on campus with grant funding through the EDA. Read more: loom.ly/Q_Tkd4o

Last fall, <a href="/CentralinaEDD/">Centralina EDD</a> Board Members took a tour of @UNCCharlotte's metrology lab. The visit and discussions were apart of Centralina's collaboration with the university to create a tech hub on campus with grant funding through the <a href="/US_EDA/">EDA</a>.

Read more: loom.ly/Q_Tkd4o
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEXT WEEK ๐Ÿ—“๏ธ Register for our virtual "Regional Economic Briefing" on March 27th from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Guest speaker Mark Vitner will be diving into how economic conditions may affect local government budgets and our regional outlook. Register: loom.ly/o1LxPOo


Register for our virtual "Regional Economic Briefing" on March 27th from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.

Guest speaker Mark Vitner will be diving  into how economic conditions may affect local government budgets and our regional outlook. 

Register: loom.ly/o1LxPOo
Centralina Regional Council (@wearecentralina) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There's still time to submit nominations for the Centralina Region of Excellence Awards! Nominations are due at 5 p.m. on August 16th. Submit yours today at RegionofExcellence.com

There's still time to submit nominations for the Centralina Region of Excellence Awards! Nominations are due at 5 p.m. on August 16th. 

Submit yours today at RegionofExcellence.com