Catarina Mateus
Evolutionary biology, conservation genetics, diadromous fish, lampreys.
MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, University of Évora
ID: 1114101187853389830
05-04-2019 09:43:16
364 Tweet
155 Following

Not so much a sea bass! Check out our paper, lead by Rita Almeida on the sea bass incursions upstream in the Tagus River, moving up to 120km inland. @MARE_centre doi.org/10.1111/jfb.15…

New website with information about recent approved projects. Read more about DiadSea here: atlanticarea.eu/discover-our-p… Universidade Évora MARE Interreg Atlantic Area

"É necessário investir na investigação, sobretudo na fase oceânica do ciclo de vida, que certamente encerra algumas das ameaças que têm contribuído para o declínio desta espécie." Pedro R. Almeida, Diretor do MARE. Interreg Atlantic Area Universidade Évora MARE #Interreg #AtlanticArea

Well done!! Beautiful shads!! Interreg Atlantic Area DiadSea Universidade Évora MARE

👉 Visit and follow DiaSea's Twitter to keep up with the latest news of the project! 🐟 Universidade Évora MARE Interreg Atlantic Area DiadSea #diadromousfishes x.com/DiadSea?t=Hp8v…

⚠️#Lampreys are declining in Portuguese #rivers ‼️ Pedro R. Almeida, MARE Director, warns us that 2024 could be the worst year since this specie is monitored. The scarcity of lampreys already caused the ❌cancellation of a gastronomy festival in the municipality of #Penacova

Another year, another MARE presence at the biggest sports fishing event in Portugal! Three days of interesting knowledge exchange between scientists and anglers! MARE Universidade Évora Fish Invasions Lab #FBCMLab

The director of MARE and part of DiadSea team, Pedro R. Almeida interviewed for national TV, about lamprey decline in Portugal, in the symposium held yesterday in replacement of the typical gastronomical festival, cancelled this year. Interreg Atlantic Area tvi.iol.pt/noticias/playl…

Sara Silva brings the day to a close with her talk about migration patterns and behaviour of #trout near of the southern limit of the species distribution

Another day working on ativity 5.1 DiadSea at DOCAPESCA on Mondego river labelling shads 🐟 Interreg Atlantic Area MARE Universidade Évora #diadromousfishes

Congratulations to Sara Silva for her great work on salmonids. Sara is a PhD student from Universidade Évora and MARE, and a member of DiadSea project. Proud to have her in our team.