Caspar Bowden
privacy, human rights, surveillance, data protection, PETS|Tor|Qubes, predicted PRISM PGP: 2051 D1A8 231B 66AA 0935 1363 1442 D4AC 0B66 330A
ID: 328115384
https://independent.academia.edu/CasparBowden 02-07-2011 19:21:19
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Angela Merkel says government didn't lie about possible US 'no-spy' pact dw.de/merkel-says-go… Global Revolution TV

Meredith L. Patterson 💉💉 @aestetix Soviets had party membership. We have clearance. It's the same thing.

Micah Lee 🫡 Caspar Bowden x.com/cyberleagle/st…

JP Aumasson I'd nominate the JCE. Brian Gladman's code is also used by Apple: github.com/BrianGladman/A… opensource.apple.com/source/CommonC…

Writing about an attack on Tor? Ask if it affects the Tor Browser. There's a reason The Tor Project recommends it:

Hector X. Monsegur Think you'll have time to finally explain to me why the FBI tried to use you to entrap me? Sure would love to know!