Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦


Theatre-maker/clown/improviser/visual artist (She/they)

ID: 228458252

link calendar_today19-12-2010 19:45:22

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Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We've had some really bloody brilliant shows with The Ministry of Unplanned Occurrences this week. One of my favourites, so much fun to play a bit of farce, a bit of pathos, and plenty of joyous connection with my fellow players and the audience.

We've had some really bloody brilliant shows with <a href="/UnplannedM/">The Ministry of Unplanned Occurrences</a> this week. One of my favourites, so much fun to play a bit of farce, a bit of pathos, and plenty of joyous connection with my fellow players and the audience.
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Lordy, again, I forgot to post pictures from our latest show, Glory Days. The last show was one of my favourites - very clever seeds planted for characters, relationships, and the final was incredibly well written, and not just 'for an improv show'. :D

Lordy, again, I forgot to post pictures from our latest show, Glory Days. The last show was one of my favourites - very clever seeds planted for characters, relationships, and the final was incredibly well written, and not just 'for an improv show'. :D
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interesting evening Pint of Science UK #Cambridge with 'Beautiful Mind'. Was privilege to create based on margherita zenoni's research on OCD. Instructional pieces which take inspiration from #YokoOno, idea being the participant-observer creates disturbing imagery personal to them.

Interesting evening <a href="/pintofscience/">Pint of Science UK</a> #Cambridge with 'Beautiful Mind'. Was privilege to create based on <a href="/margheritazeno1/">margherita zenoni</a>'s research on OCD. Instructional pieces which take inspiration from #YokoOno, idea being the participant-observer creates disturbing imagery personal to them.
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thank you so much to Alice πŸ”œ UKGE for a valuable and insightful talk on diversity, inclusion, and accessibility in games. Very clearly articulated. Shame UK Games Expo put them in such a small, inaccessible room. πŸ˜Ÿβ™ΏοΈ Have late-pledged to see how #ChromaArcana plays. πŸ₯°πŸŽ²πŸŒˆ

Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Hey BlackBoardGaming BlackBoardGaming just stumbled on your video highlighting female designers. Loved it, such a fun tone, and loads of games/designers I'd not heard of. Thank you! πŸŽ²β™ŸοΈβ™₯️

Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fab time the voidspace πŸ•³οΈSUBS OPENπŸ•³οΈ yesterday. Lots of strands of interactive to delve into and play with now. Loved being in a grassroots, art-filled, poetic & play-ful space. Thanks to the folk organising and presenting. 🎲🎨🎭

Fab time <a href="/_voidspace_zine/">the voidspace πŸ•³οΈSUBS OPENπŸ•³οΈ</a> yesterday. Lots of strands of interactive to delve into and play with now. Loved being in a grassroots, art-filled, poetic &amp; play-ful space. Thanks to the folk organising and presenting.  🎲🎨🎭
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Went to the Megan Rooney exhibit at Kettles Yard, came home and made this yesterday. Now hanging in living room, pretty happy with it.

Went to the Megan Rooney exhibit at Kettles Yard, came home and made this yesterday. Now hanging in living room, pretty happy with it.
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Whoop, whoop, this week was another glorious clown exploit with these charming and funny shes and theys. And a joy for to speak some academic clownage too with wonderful facilitator Kitty Winter #ClownsCanDance

Whoop, whoop, this week was another glorious clown exploit with these charming and funny shes and theys. And a joy for to speak some academic clownage too with wonderful facilitator Kitty Winter #ClownsCanDance
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Spent the weekend with 10 or so women asking: what is a female clown/bouffon? How do crones, hags, and witches play? What is that particular energy about and what does that play like as comedy? (Photos: Matus Kika and Belle Spinks)

Spent the weekend with 10 or so women asking: what is a female clown/bouffon? How do crones, hags, and witches play? What is that particular energy about and what does that play like as comedy? (Photos: Matus Kika and Belle Spinks)
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Play interactive installation 'Urban Sprawl' University of Cambridge Museums Mus of Class Archaeology! Build part of the city and see as it grows over 2 weeks! I got the idea from a game the voidspace πŸ•³οΈSUBS OPENπŸ•³οΈ and adapted it to make it durational, for kids, and about Romans. #SummerAtTheMuseums πŸ›οΈπŸ—οΈπŸ˜Ž

Play interactive installation 'Urban Sprawl' <a href="/CamUnivMuseums/">University of Cambridge Museums</a> Mus of Class Archaeology! Build part of the city and see as it grows over 2 weeks! I got the idea from a game <a href="/_voidspace_zine/">the voidspace πŸ•³οΈSUBS OPENπŸ•³οΈ</a> and adapted it to make it durational, for kids, and about Romans. #SummerAtTheMuseums πŸ›οΈπŸ—οΈπŸ˜Ž
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The (as yet un-named) Roman city continues to grow at The Museum of Classical Archeology in Cambridge! We have a trade route, bath houses, and temples going up. Here this week and next! #UrbanSprawl #SummerAtTheMuseums University of Cambridge Museums

The (as yet un-named) Roman city continues to grow at The Museum of Classical Archeology in Cambridge! We have a trade route, bath houses, and temples going up. Here this week and next! #UrbanSprawl #SummerAtTheMuseums <a href="/CamUnivMuseums/">University of Cambridge Museums</a>
Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Oh my, Stuffed by Ugly Bucket Theatre is something. A gut punch then a cup of tea. Clown but not funny. Total theatre. Loved how they inbricated accessibility. And how they reminded us of the context of Us and Them There, Stuffed into seats at an Arts festival.

Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Horses by Elf Lyons. As usual grunt work left to the equines. However, the horse on stage was a triumph, miming with verve, and storytelling skillfully. 5πŸ₯• for the horse, 1πŸ₯• for the human - Gym Khana (formerly of The Guardian)

Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ (@carlakeen) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is how (the newly named) 'Paperopolis' finally looked after 2 weeks at the Museum of Classical Archaeology. Durational classical city building by children over the the summer. :) @camunivmuseums what a joy to see!

The Ministry of Unplanned Occurrences (@unplannedm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We'll be at Bham Improv Fest this weekend. Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ is teaching a workshop for women Sat 12 & NB folk, and we're bringing #ThrupennyTales Sun 13 Midlands Arts Centre (MAC) - come see a comedy-horror-drama made-up on the spot!…

We'll be at <a href="/bhamimprovfest/">Bham Improv Fest</a> this weekend. <a href="/carlakeen/">Carla Keen πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦</a> is teaching a workshop for women Sat 12 &amp; NB folk, and we're bringing #ThrupennyTales Sun 13 <a href="/mac_birmingham/">Midlands Arts Centre (MAC)</a> - come see a comedy-horror-drama made-up on the spot!…