Jean-Claude Hollerich
Official account of Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, Archbishop of Luxembourg @cathollu and current president of @ComeceEu, Brussels.
ID: 1147039297150836737 05-07-2019 07:07:34
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Hoy sigo el 5º Día de Refexión #Laudatosi European Laudato Si' Alliance Cardenal Hollerich Jean-Claude Hollerich nos recuerda y plantea preguntas acerca del camino de conversión que recorremos hacia la #ecologíaintegral, con #Laudatosi' y también con #FratelliTutti y que incumbe a todas las generaciones
“Every human being must be treated in a humane way. #Migrants and #AsylumSeekers deserve full respect of their dignity and fundamental rights, no matter their legal status.” (Jean-Claude Hollerich, President of COMECE) #𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝𝐑𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐠𝐞𝐞𝐃𝐚𝐲
Impressions of todays🇱🇺 #NationalDay celebrating the official Birthday of HRH the Grand-Duke with the official Ceremony Philharmonie Luxembourg, the military parade, the lunch reception hosted by Minister #JeanAsselborn MFA Luxembourg 🇱🇺 & the Te Deum at the Cathedral by Jean-Claude Hollerich
Am Samstag wird Volksmissionar Philipp Jeningen in #Ellwangen selig gesprochen. Die Zeremonie übernimmt der Luxemburger Kardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich Jean-Claude Hollerich…
Ellwangen, nos Alpes Orientais, vai acolher o Pe. Johann Philipp Jeningen como seu novo beato. Missionário rural da Alemanha, o jesuíta será beatificado em cerimônia presidida pelo cardeal Jean-Claude Hollerich Jean-Claude Hollerich Dicastero delle Cause dei Santi
Jean-Claude Hollerich leitete Jeningen-#Seligsprechung in #Ellwangen: „Mann der liebenden Begegnung" - Vatican News…
✝️ #Allemagne I A l'occasion de la béatification de Philipp Jeningen, le Jean-Claude Hollerich est revenu sur le parcours de vie du missionnaire allemand. Le prêtre a su faire sien «le regard de Dieu», pour devenir un prédicateur infatiguable de l'Evangile.
#PapaFrancesco ha ricordato la beatificazione a Ellwangen di Giovanni Filippo Jeningen, gesuita vissuto in #Germania nella seconda metà del XVII secolo. La celebrazione è stata presieduta da Jean-Claude Hollerich: il “buon padre Filippo” era un uomo della pietà…
The COMECE Annual Report for 2021 is now online! The report includes a special feature on the main contributions of COMECE to #CoFoE. Jean-Claude Hollerich: "let's keep cultivating hope, it is the most divine thing that can exist in the heart of mankind”. 📔
Le 21 juillet, l’Ambassadeur OKUYAMA et son épouse ont rencontré Son Eminence Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, archevêque de Luxembourg et ancien Vice-recteur de Sophia University. Les discussions ont porté sur de divers sujets, surtout sur les initiatives d’échanges de jeunes 🇯🇵🇱🇺.
Last weekend, Ambassador Nicole Bintner met the Luxembourg diaspora at the 85th Annual Schobermesse festival in Chicago. She also explored the early settlements sites of the Luxembourg immigrants in the #Chicago area. What an eventful weekend! #LuxembourgBrotherhoodofAmerica
Pastoral Visit of Jean-Claude Hollerich to the Midwest, USA. Destinations include: Chicago, Illinois; Aurora, Illinois; St. Donatus, Iowa; New Ulm, Minnesota; La Crosse, Wisconsin; and Port Washington, Wisconsin, before traveling to Belgium, Wisconsin. More info:
Jean-Claude Hollerich celebrated his birthday in the USA where he is holding a pastoral visit in Midwest, to the Luxembourgish community living there. Follow the visit on our site. Always with new photos.
Ce matin le ministre #Asselborn a inauguré, en présence de Jean-Claude Hollerich, la structure d’hébergement pour DPI dans l’ancien bâtiment du Luxemburger Wort avec une capacité de 200 lits. MFA Luxembourg 🇱🇺 réitère son appel aux communes à participer à l'effort de solidarité ➡️