CAPC, Bristol
Centre for Academic Primary Care (CAPC), University of Bristol. A leading centre for primary care research and teaching in the UK. Member of the NIHR SPCR.
ID: 310321964
http://bristol.ac.uk/capc 03-06-2011 15:11:16
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📰News story!📰Increasing HIV Testing in #PrimaryCare. People with undiagnosed #HIV may not know they have it until becoming ill. To reduce these numbers, Sarah Denford & researchers @bristoluni are developing an intervention to help. More➡️bit.ly/3LSUhcz

We'll be closing this account soon but before we go, two papers that you might have missed that have used data from the BEE study CAPC, Bristol Dermatology Nottm Dermatology_UKDCTN

Timely diagnosis of #Shingles after rash onset is crucial for #Antiviral effectiveness. Educational interventions for non-clinical practice staff did not reduce time to diagnosis doi.org/10.3399/BJGP.2… ATHENA study CAPC, Bristol Primary Care Research Centre OxPrimaryCareSci Elizabeth Lovegrove

ATHENA study outputs are now available to view on our website: athena-study.bristol.ac.uk/outputs/ 👀 Matthew Ridd NIHR CRN West of England CAPC, Bristol Bristol Trials Centre NIHR CRN Wessex NIHR CRN Thames Valley and South Midlands

Capturing and reporting topical treatment use in childhood #eczema: lessons for data collection in eczema trials Katherine Memory Stephanie MacNeill Miriam Santer Kim Thomas academic.oup.com/ced/advance-ar… CAPC, Bristol BEE study

Produced by Super Culture in collab w/ University of Bristol & WsM Community Network, #GoodGriefWeston is part of Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded Coastal Community & Creative Health, involving academic & cultural partners from around the UK in a combined initiative to reduce health inequities CAPC, Bristol Good Grief Festival #GGW24

Matthew Ridd CAPC, Bristol And here's the link to the (just out) published paper doi.org/10.1093/ced/ll… Capturing and reporting topical treatment use in childhood #eczema

Our Primary Care Clinicians #PhD programme is open for applications. Applicable to #PrimaryCare #clinicians incl. GPs, nurses, health visitors, dentists, pharmacists & optometrists: bit.ly/SPCR-PHDPCC 🗓️Closing Date: 11.59pm 12 Dec 2024 NIHR School for Primary Care Research Wellcome SAPC

"From the laboratory to the street" Read new blog by Jo Kesten, Jenny Scott, graeme henderson + members of Benzo Opioid Group about doing multidisciplinary research to understand the rising numbers of deaths involving opioids + benzodiazepines. Blog tinyurl.com/yedbwap6

📢FUNDING CALL With support from the Franklin-Adams endowment, Elizabeth Blackwell Institute invites University of Bristol academics to apply for funding for research into children & young people's health, with a focus on health in low & middle income countries. Closes: 21 Oct 2024 uob.sharepoint.com/sites/elizabet…

We are looking for Community #MentalHealth organisations in SW England to take part in a study looking at their use of #TraumaInformed care & how to evaluate its effectiveness. The study is led by Dr Natalia Lewis & Dr Sandi Dheensa & funded by NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). Details below. ⬇️

Public contributor Louise Ting is the brains behind the wildly successful diagram outlining how patient and public involvement (#PPI) can be woven into every stage of the research cycle. In this blog she describes how it's taken on a life of its own bit.ly/3MBj2KV

Tickets still available (online attendance) for this event celebrating the work of Professor Jean Golding who turns 85 this year. 11 Sept We The Curious ⬇️

"From the laboratory to the street: Doing multidisciplinary research to understand the rising numbers of deaths involving opioids and benzodiazepines" New blog piece from Jo Kesten, Jenny Scott, graeme henderson & members of the Benzo Opioid Group: tinyurl.com/5xx258cb

Out today - our mixed methods evaluation of Good Grief Weston festival, created by Super Culture with WsM Community Network: journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/26…

Much deserved! I can't wait to interview Rachel Clark at Good Grief Weston about this beautiful book, among other things. Join us on 12 October: superculture.org.uk/listings/good-… Super Culture NHS Bristol, N Somerset & S Gloucestershire ICB WsM Community Network CAPC, Bristol University of Bristol Front Room WSM University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS FT Weston Hospicecare