Mrs Bell
ID: 773543367191986176
07-09-2016 15:28:05
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This afternoon Year 3 have been investigating the structure of the Earth from the core right up to the topsoil. We made dirty pudding to represent the layers. St Andrew's Leas

Year 3 have started to think about division in Maths this week. Lots of use of practical equipment and drawings to help us understand the concept. St Andrew's Leas

Every day is a learning day even for the grown ups! Just a little taster of what we get up to with no children! We are very proud of our wreath making efforts. St Andrew's Leas

We have been considering why people may choose to live near a volcano. We sorted advantages and disadvantages in our groups having some great discussions. St Andrew's Leas

On Friday, we made Christmas decorations for our school try and enjoyed hanging them on. St Andrew's Leas

Year 3 have loved Jenny McLachlan’s Reading Club today. We were so inspired to create our own islands. We can’t wait until next week Jenny McLachlan St Andrew's Leas

We have enjoyed a variety of activities to improve our key instant recall facts this week with a focus on recapping number bonds to 10. We are getting really quick! St Andrew's Leas

We enjoyed another book club with Jenny McLachlan this afternoon. We loved creating our own characters. St Andrew's Leas

We enjoyed finding out about the Neolithic revolution and why it was important in history today. We used the iPads to do our own research. St Andrew's Leas

Another brilliant book club with Jenny McLachlan. Today we were learning how to draw cartoon characters. We are so inspired by this wonderful author and books. St Andrew's Leas

In science we having been looking at flowering plants. This week we used magnifying glasses to investigate the different parts of a plant up close. St Andrew's Leas

We are so proud of our swimmers. Everyone gave it their all and had fun. Thanks to our photographer Erin for the photos. St Andrew's Leas

Today we met Panda and Lion. We enjoyed guessing who they could be! #maskedreader #WorldBookDay St Andrew's Leas

We had an amazing World Book Day. We loved our book chat and exploring the text Here We Are by Oliver Jeffers St Andrew's Leas Witham St Hughs English Hub Oliver Jeffers

As part of British Science Week, we considered how animals are adapted. We looked at nocturnal animals, making a sorting game for our friends. St Andrew's Leas