Concord in the City
Day program for adults with developmental disabilities in Toronto. Summer camp in Mansfield!
ID: 521732697 11-03-2012 22:22:41
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These stories in conjunction with quantitive data can not be ignored. Adrian Dix Tyler Shandro 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🇮🇱 Saskatchewan Party Blaine Higgs make ppl w/dev disabilities a priority in vaccination distribution.
🙌🏼 Concord Coffee Shop is OPEN TODAY 1:30-3pm 3407 Lake Shore Blvd W, near 30’th Street. Concord in the City is a day program for adults with special needs with a focus on life, social and job skills training. More info:… #LongBranchTO #etobicoke #etobto
Hannah is one of our participants who hasn’t seen her dad in over a year due to Covid Adrian Dix Renee Merrifield She is afraid to travel until her vaccine bc she’s at an increased risk!
We need more opportunities to sign up ppl w developmental disabilities for vaccines in GTA quickly, All of us on twitter can be vaccine facilitators & support these individuals & their families as we move into phase 2. So grateful University Health Network created this option - pls spread the word