james campbell (@campbelljam2) 's Twitter Profile
james campbell


•Parent, partner, Settler, educator; stumbling towards critical consciousness since 1974; looking for answers and desperately trying to remember their names.

ID: 788187354771099652

calendar_today18-10-2016 01:18:04

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4,4K Following

Saul Staniforth (@saulstaniforth) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt explains it doesn't matter if Lammy thinks Israel has/hasn't violated intl law. What matters is the ICJ has ruled there is a risk of genocide, & that places obligations on member states according to the genocide convention, that include suspending military support

Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (@cjpme) 's Twitter Profile Photo

You can’t say you are “committed to a peaceful future in the Middle East” while allowing the transfer of Canadian weapons to the Israeli military amid a genocide. When asked why he hasn’t imposed a real arms embargo on Israel or cut off diplomatic ties in response to Israel’s

Stephen Punwasi 🏚️📉🐈☃️ (@stephenpunwasi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Ontario could have delayed corner store beer by just 12 months & saved taxpayers $225 million. Instead, Doug is sending 25,000 families to work & pay taxes for a year to give a massive windfall to his friends. They don’t just think you’re dumb. They hate you.

The Independent (@independentnl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

ICYMI: Immigration lawyer says Palestinians applying for a temporary resident visa are dying faster than their applications are being processed (July 27, 2024) #cdnpoli #Palestine theindependent.ca/news/palestini…

Justin Brake (@berrygrounds) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fact: There was only one journalist left to ask Qs. The 2-question rule was imposed on us by PM, so he could have clarified his position on Canada's role in/response to genocide. At the end I said: "You don't want to talk, to speak to the genocide piece?" #cdnpoli The Independent

Nora Loreto (@nolore) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When people lament how disorganized the left is in this country, do they understand the role that rightwing forces have played to make it nearly impossible to do broad-based organizing in this country? Let's start with the concrete wall within mainstream media

Davide Mastracci 🤌🏼 (@davidemastracci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW: I’m A Jewish CUPE Member, And I Support Fred Hahn In choosing to ignore their membership and cower to the Zionist lobby, CUPE’s National Executive Board has undermined union democracy, writes Anna🍉🗝️ in her defence of Hahn. readthemaple.com/im-a-jewish-cu…

Owen Jones (@owenjonesjourno) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Macron won the support of the French far right to make Barnier - who openly supports ending all immigration - prime minister. That was in order to block the left, who came top in the election. It’s so called “centrists” who will pave the way for fascism. You have been warned!

james campbell (@campbelljam2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Canadian antisemitism on full display “the Canadian government’s approach to Nazi collaborators had been marked with “intentional harbouring of known Nazi war criminals” as well as “deliberate inaction.””

Erin M (@erinmackey_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Instead of divesting and ending its complicity in Israeli apartheid, @uoft has adopted new repressive regulations that violate our fundamental right to free speech 🚨33 @uoft groups have signed onto a statement condemning these regulations and calling on @uoft to divest 👇

Instead of divesting and ending its complicity in Israeli apartheid, @uoft has adopted new repressive regulations that violate our fundamental right to free speech 

🚨33 @uoft groups have signed onto a statement condemning these regulations and calling on @uoft to divest 👇
Stephen Punwasi 🏚️📉🐈☃️ (@stephenpunwasi) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Okay, 🇨🇦. I need you to look past the left vs right BS for a sec. You don't understand how hard you're being screwed. In a few tweets, you'll understand gov finance better than most politicians. You'll also see how f*cked up Ontario's corner store liquor deal is. <thread>🧵👇

David Pugliese (@davidpugliese) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My latest article....Ukrainian group says it plans court challenge to prevent release of names of alleged Nazi war criminals ottawacitizen.com/news/national/… via @ottawacitizen

terra loire (@terraloire) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Meanwhile Joe’s boss’s boss: “Writing to shareholders, CEO Andrew MacLeod said Postmedia would likely not be profitable if not for over $35 million in federal government support.” pressprogress.ca/postmedia-tell…

Free Grassy (@freegrassy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Grab your art supplies for #GrassyNarrows! We've put together a guide (tinyurl.com/sept18artkit) to create your own beautiful and impactful signs for this year's #RiverRunRally2024 Download the kit for information about colours, slogans and a printable stencil. #FreeGrassy

Grab your art supplies for #GrassyNarrows! We've put together a guide (tinyurl.com/sept18artkit) to create your own beautiful and impactful signs for this year's #RiverRunRally2024

Download the kit for information about colours, slogans and a printable stencil. 

Ontario Nurses' Association (@ontarionurses) 's Twitter Profile Photo

March in solidarity w/Free Grassy on Sept 18 & call on Greg Rickford, Doug Ford and Justin Trudeau to (1) withdraw all mining and logging from Grassy Narrows and (2) build the Mercury Home & Treatment Centre. RSVP Here: freegrassy.net/grassy-narrows…

March in solidarity w/<a href="/FreeGrassy/">Free Grassy</a> on Sept 18 &amp; call on <a href="/GregRickford/">Greg Rickford</a>, <a href="/fordnation/">Doug Ford</a> and <a href="/JustinTrudeau/">Justin Trudeau</a> to (1) withdraw all mining and logging from Grassy Narrows and (2) build the Mercury Home &amp; Treatment Centre. RSVP Here: freegrassy.net/grassy-narrows…
Labour for Palestine (@palestinelabour) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Give the full op-ed in The Maple by L4P and Independent Jewish Voices member Anna🍉🗝️ a read: readthemaple.com/im-a-jewish-cu… And if you haven't already, send a message to CUPE National here: actionnetwork.org/letters/stand-… #cdnpoli #canlab #FreePalestine

Give the full op-ed in <a href="/readthemaple/">The Maple</a> by L4P and <a href="/IndJewishVoices/">Independent Jewish Voices</a> member <a href="/anna_lippman/">Anna🍉🗝️</a> a read: readthemaple.com/im-a-jewish-cu…

And if you haven't already, send a message to <a href="/cupenat/">CUPE National</a> here: actionnetwork.org/letters/stand-…

#cdnpoli #canlab #FreePalestine