University of Cambridge, Division of Electrical Engineering
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http://ee.eng.cam.ac.uk 28-06-2019 17:02:03
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👩‍🏫Want to inspire curricula changes for future engineers by sharing your climate and sustainability STEM research? Submit your poster for one of ten spots at the Cambridge University Press & Assessment poster session by 12:00 Monday! 📅 19/03, 11.30-13:00 🌎 Cambridge University Press & Assessment bit.ly/42ZzWu7

Luigi Occhipinti Luigi Occhipinti and colleagues publish review of human body digital twins ee.eng.cam.ac.uk/index.php/2024…

This Friday at the Hughes! Professor George Malliaras of Cambridge University speaks at EEB 132 as part of our Munishian Visiting Seminar Series. His topic: "Technology for Bioelectronic Medicine." All the details here and in the flyer below: minghsiehece.usc.edu/wp-content/upl…

Stretchable Device for Simultaneous Measurements of Contractility and Electrophysiology of Neuromuscular Tissue in the Gastrointestinal Tract onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ad… PoppyOldroyd Sophie Oldroyd Dr Roisin Owens Engineering Dept

DfE interview with Jana Skirnewskaja - we love having you with us!

To celebrate Cambridge Festival we have displayed our 'History of Metals' story West Hub, Cambridge come and learn about the origins of metals in human culture and their changing use through history #cambridgeuniversity

🟢A number of Cambridge engineers have secured funding via Energy IRC for #research projects focused on #decarbonisation & low carbon energy eng.cam.ac.uk/news/interdisc… A thread 🧵⤵️ EPRG Cambridge cambridge_ee Aviation Impact Accelerator Rob Miller CEB Cambridge #LowCarbon

🟢 Fabricating ultra-low-power non-volatile resistive-random-access memories using novel iontronic-based material design eng.cam.ac.uk/news/interdisc… Dr Bakhit, Prof Flewitt & Prof Judith Driscoll (Cambridge Materials) tackled the huge energy consumption of current data storage & computing tech

This May we invite students, researchers and industry to tour our open access facilities here at Cambridge University. Meet our skilled team and better understand how Royce equipment and funding can benefit your research. Book your free tour here maxwell.cam.ac.uk/programmes/hen…

#PhDstudents Teja Potocnik & David Hardman have showcased their #engineering #research at Parliament to a range of politicians & a panel of expert judges, as part of the #STEM for BRITAIN poster competition eng.cam.ac.uk/news/cambridge… cambridge_ee UK Parliament STEM for Britain

Delighted to have presented my PhD research at the Johnson Matthey Academic Conference Johnson Matthey, and honored to have won best oral presentation! Always a great conference highlighting the need for industry-academia partnerships BioelectronicsLab