Caitlyn Burt
Lyricist and librettist. Half of Shoenfeld and Burt. First Cameron Mackintosh resident writing team. OTTO WEIDT & WHEN WE STRIKE musical writer. She/Her
ID: 1064573899080388609
http://www.caitlynburt.com 19-11-2018 17:39:31
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🌟 MMD OPEN MIC NIGHT 🌟 📍 The Other Palace 🗓 Mon 25th Sept 🎟 eventbrite.co.uk/e/mmd-open-mic… Who is coming along? Hosted by Amir Shoenfeld & Caitlyn Burt! #openmic

Thanks Mercury Musical Developments! We had a blast!

Otto show art with accompanying image description song!! soundcloud.com/otto-weidt-mus… Thanks Rebecca Pitt! #ottoweidt #showart #audiodescription #ottoweidtmusical #newmusicals #accessibility #visionpairment #holocaust #musicaltheatre #sightloss

Hey! We wrote that! Tickets for WHEN WE STRIKE at Southwark Playhouse on sale now!! 🔥🔥🔥 #lit #fire #matchgirls #newmusical #WhenWeStrike #BYMT #ShoenfeldandBurt

On Sunday's Barclay's Brunch, 11-1pm, comedy actor Natasha Vasandani enthuses about #Cockfosters plus Amir Shoenfeld & Caitlyn Burt preview the world premiere of Punk Rock musical, #WhenWeStrike. Great music too. Listen at play.riversideradio.com or on your smart speaker! #thetube

When We Strike opens TOMORROW! Get your tix now 🔥 Southwark Playhouse Caitlyn Burt

It’s opening night for #WhenWeStrike 🙌🥊 We’re so excited to share this incredible new punk-rock musical with you. See you there! 📍 Southwark Playhouse (Southwark Playhouse) 📆 30th - 31st August #muscialtheatre #musical #newmusictheatre #london

When We Strike BYMT Performing Arts is quite something. A cauldron of effervescent energy. And a powerful narrative. Heading home to write review now. Musical Theatre Review

Had an amazing time seeing the brilliant new punk musical #whenwestrike by Caitlyn Burt and Amir Shoenfeld at the Southwark Playhouse. The BritishYouthMusicTheatre cast were truly amazing and it was a privilege to be able to meet some of the talented cast afterwards #matchgirls1888

Delighted to launch our 'Theatre and Film' Tab that features the inspiration behind Matchgirls musicals and film. Thanks Sally Neish, Anita Scorer, Michelle Temperley, LeBimôme, Caitlyn Burt and Amir Shoenfeld for embedding the legacy of #matchgirls1888 Links in thread . . . .