Caitlin Piccone
Global Mental Health research trainee //
PhD Candidate at Queen's University in Rehab Science
ID: 867855025938321408
25-05-2017 21:28:56
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Day 4: Rebecca Pauls “it’s so hard to see what’s strong in communities when you focus on what’s wrong”. #qescholars Caitlin Piccone Beyond Services

#qescholars summer institute continues! Colleen Davison (she/her) started us off with theory and examples of CBPAR on Day 3 and the I-CREAte team is extending this learning today with examples from their work. So many good questions from our QEScholars

“It’s not enough to just say ‘everyone has a voice.’ How do we actually enable that to be true?” -Heather Aldersey Excited to be kicking off week 2 of the research institute learning community-based participatory research methods! QEScholars

In this NEW PLOS Global Public Health article, we present a suite of options for everyone, to address the pervasive &overlooked challenge of visa &passport inequities in #globalhealth. Addressing this inequity is essential for achieving goals such as #HealthForAll 1/4 journals.plos.org/globalpubliche…

A huge congratulations to my friend, Dr. Navjit Gaurav (PhD) ! You are an amazing example of how to excel in your own work while constantly uplifting everyone around you 🙌🏼

We do not settle for less than 100% primary healthcare access. Enhancing access, particularly for vulnerable populations, should remain at the top global priority. #Trillium2023 Catherine Donnelly Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

We worked closely with Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations and government to research the implementation of the District Assembly Common Fund, and recommended revisions to the guidelines which are now awaiting signature! Find the research: tinyurl.com/3hxm98fb #UGDisabilityConference2023 Min. of Gender Ghana

I’m so very lucky to be learning from the incredible Donna Thomson Congratulations!!!!

On United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities #IDPD, learn about the Queen's University researchers advancing accessibility & inclusion, including ICACBR's Heather Aldersey & Psychiatry's Philip Burge: bit.ly/3uN0jWR