Claire Weeda
Leiden University. Environment, global insects, medicine, racial capitalism, 1200-1600. Author of Ethnicity in Medieval Europe, 950-1250. Chair journal TvG. 🐛
ID: 574265074
08-05-2012 06:55:38
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Gloomy prospects ahead of us with announced 900 mln euro budget cut on higher education. Stand united students, staff & univ management and join us Tmrw Monday 2 sept Domplein Utrecht 11h to start (a series of) protest & actions Universiteiten van Nederland AOb WOinActie Landelijke Studentenvakbond
Now that an increasing number of colleagues and students have asked me how they can contribute to the protests against the budget cuts imposed on Dutch universities, here's a detailed "Action List" written by Ingrid Robeyns @[email protected] Spread the word!…
Job Alert! Rice University's History Department is recruiting for a tenure-track assistant professorship of medieval or early modern history of science, technology, and/or medicine. #histmed #historyofscience…
📢Out now on #firstview! 'Experiencing Exclusion: Scholarship after Inquisition' by Natalie Zemon Davis and Stefan Hanß (Stefan Hanß) (School of Arts, Languages and Culture) #History #Politics #Activism #Academia 👉Read online here:…
We are excited to welcome one of the most eminent environmental historians of pre-modern Europe to Leiden University: Richard Hoffmann (York University/Canada) who will talk about his latest book on fish and fisheries in medieval Europe, "The Catch" (CUP, 2023). Leiden University - Faculty of Humanities