BC EastMidlands (@butterfliesem) 's Twitter Profile
BC EastMidlands


Butterfly Conservation East Midlands - Derbys, Leics & Notts.

ID: 2541430604

calendar_today02-06-2014 12:52:17

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Notts BAG (@nottsbag) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you free to join a grizzled skipper volunteer work party on Sunday 3rd December. The 2nd in a series of 5 work parties over the winter. Scrub clearance, creation and maintenance of egg laying sites as well as a big fire. Great fun with a good bunch of people. BC EastMidlands

Are you free to join a grizzled skipper volunteer work party on Sunday 3rd December. The 2nd in a series of 5 work parties over the winter. Scrub clearance, creation and maintenance of egg laying sites as well as a big fire. Great fun with a good bunch of people. <a href="/ButterfliesEM/">BC EastMidlands</a>