Bartosz Szczeciński
Software Developer at GFT Poland. #JS lover #reactjs evangelist
ID: 32974489
18-04-2009 18:54:07
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33 Following
I remember there was an sandbox (or something alike) by Kent C. Dodds 🌌 that showed the importance of key prop but I can't find it :(
Playing around with Serverless - DAMN it makes things look so easy. You either go read the encyclopedia-sized AWS docs or check out a few guides on slss and you deploy your lambdas in minutes.
There's a job posting that reads "You'll be the perfect candidate if you know dan_abramov and React Hooks". Dan, can I get a "hi"? ;)
Zgodnie z obietnicą, rozdajemy bilety na CityJS Conferences :). Pierwsze 0b111 osób, które: 1. Obserwują NodeSchool Lodz 👀 2. Retweetuja tego tweeta 🗣️ 3. Napiszą do nas DM 📨 otrzyma wejściówkę za free! 🎉
Small Tailwind CSS tip: if you're creating your own classes with the apply directive, import your tailwind directives later so you can override the baked classes with inline class names: