bruno arpino (@brunoarpinoeu) 's Twitter Profile
bruno arpino


Full Professor, University of Padova. Ageing; family; digitalization, causal inference; social demography; social statistics

ID: 2461964527

link calendar_today24-04-2014 17:16:42

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Università di Padova (@unipadova) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The selection process is open for PhD scholarships funded by DM 630 with assigned resources based on PNRR for the activation of dedicated PhD programs, with the contribution and involvement of companies. Deadline July 25th 2024 - 1 pm (CEST) >…

The selection process is open for PhD scholarships funded by DM 630 with assigned resources based on PNRR for the activation of dedicated PhD programs, with the contribution and involvement of companies.

Deadline July 25th 2024 - 1 pm (CEST)
INFO UNIVERSITARIE web magazine, updated daily (@univtrends) 's Twitter Profile Photo

LE CRITICHE DI SINDACATI E STUDENTI ALLA VENTILATA RIFORMA DEL PRE RUOLO. La riforma non piace a sindacati e associazioni dei ricercatori. L’accusa principale mossa nei confronti del governo è quella di smontare di fatto la riforma del 2022, reintroducendo la precarietà, invece

Pieter Vanhuysse (@pietervanhuysse) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Taxing the Stork" : Nancy Folbre discusses our study on the full transfer cost of child-rearin: "Welfare states ... capture a significant share of future adults’ income through taxation,... socializing the economic benefits that parents helped produce."…

"Taxing the Stork" : <a href="/NFolbre/">Nancy Folbre</a> discusses our study on the full transfer cost of child-rearin: "Welfare states ... capture a significant share of future adults’ income through taxation,... socializing the economic benefits that parents helped produce."…
marco albertini (@madmakko) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Partenariato Esteso AGE-IT - Bando a Cascata SPOKE 5 "Care sustainability in an ageing society" (seconda edizione) Ripostate, grazie! #ageit #caregiving #formalcare #informalcare #ltc #Pnrr… Cc. cecilia tomassini

Anna Stansbury (@annastansbury) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢New WP!📢 The Class Gap in Career Progression: Evidence from US Academia, w/ Kyra Rodriguez Class is rarely a focus of research or DEI in elite US occupations. Evidence suggests it should be: we find a large class gap in at least one occupation - tenure-track academia...🧵

📢New WP!📢 The Class Gap in Career Progression: Evidence from US Academia, w/ Kyra Rodriguez

Class is rarely a focus of research or DEI in elite US occupations. 

Evidence suggests it should be: we find a large class gap in at least one occupation - tenure-track academia...🧵
marco albertini (@madmakko) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Due grandi temi di questo bando: 1. Indagine campionaria su biografie, benessere e caratteristiche socioeconomiche di #caregiver formali in Italia 2. Trasferimento e creazione di contenuti formativi e informativi per caregiver informali Circa 850k € di budget

bruno arpino (@brunoarpinoeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Malpensa diventa 'Aeroporto Berlusconi': lo ha stabilito l'Enac - la Repubblica Ci sarà anche un nuovo volo diretto per le Cayman…

Francesco Chiodelli (@franchiodelli) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Some scholarships for Palestinian students are available at the University of Siena (Italy), for enrollment in one its the degree courses. Deadline: July 31. Info:…

Some scholarships for Palestinian students are available at the University of Siena (Italy), for enrollment in one its the degree courses. Deadline: July 31. Info:…
bruno arpino (@brunoarpinoeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"I numeri sono un po' noiosi, ma non mentono mai e non possono subire troppe interpretazioni..." Esattamente l'opposto di ciò che insegno ai miei studenti: i numeri non parlano da soli!…

Francesca Luppi (@francescalupp10) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After being two years (!) under review, waiting more than 8 months for publication after formal acceptance (!!!), our paper on regional trends in births during the COVID pandemic is finally out bruno arpino Alessandro Rosina…

IUSSP (@iussp) 's Twitter Profile Photo

One month remaining to prepare and submit an abstract for IPC2025. Don’t miss this opportunity!… or…

One month remaining to prepare and submit an abstract for IPC2025. Don’t miss this opportunity!… or…
INVEST (@invest_flagship) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Professor bruno arpino joined us through our Fellowship programme. Welcome! In welcoming article he says: INVEST’s mission of creating a more equitable and sustainable welfare state resonates deeply with my own research interests. Read more 👉…

Clare Ansberry (@clare_ansberry) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A falling U.S. birthrate means some older Americans feel they’re missing a key chapter in life: being a grandparent… via The Wall Street Journal

Jana Lasser (@janalasser) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am stoked that European Research Council (ERC) is funding my research on Designing Social Media Recommendation Algorithms for Societal Good (DeSiRe)! With a team of researchers working with me Uni Graz/University of Graz we will try to figure out how to make social media better. What are we going to do? 🧵 1/14

Demographic Research (@demographicres) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Childlessness in Korea increased from 7% to 27% between cohorts 1965 and 1980. While the main reason is increase of non-married women, the postponement of marriage and childlessness inside marriage also contributed, regardless of educational level.…

Childlessness in Korea increased from 7% to 27% between cohorts 1965 and 1980. While the main reason is increase of non-married women, the postponement of marriage and childlessness inside marriage also contributed, regardless of educational level.…