bruno arpino
Full Professor, University of Padova. Ageing; family; digitalization, causal inference; social demography; social statistics
ID: 2461964527
https://sites.google.com/site/brunoarpino/ 24-04-2014 17:16:42
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"Taxing the Stork" : Nancy Folbre discusses our study on the full transfer cost of child-rearin: "Welfare states ... capture a significant share of future adults’ income through taxation,... socializing the economic benefits that parents helped produce." revaluingcare.org/taxing-the-sto…

Partenariato Esteso AGE-IT - Bando a Cascata SPOKE 5 "Care sustainability in an ageing society" (seconda edizione) Ripostate, grazie! #ageit #caregiving #formalcare #informalcare #ltc #Pnrr bandi.unibo.it/s/ssrd-pnrr/pn… Cc. cecilia tomassini

After being two years (!) under review, waiting more than 8 months for publication after formal acceptance (!!!), our paper on regional trends in births during the COVID pandemic is finally out bruno arpino Alessandro Rosina journal-population.com/post/?article=…

Professor bruno arpino joined us through our Fellowship programme. Welcome! In welcoming article he says: INVEST’s mission of creating a more equitable and sustainable welfare state resonates deeply with my own research interests. Read more 👉 invest.utu.fi/news/invest-vi…

A falling U.S. birthrate means some older Americans feel they’re missing a key chapter in life: being a grandparent wsj.com/lifestyle/rela… via The Wall Street Journal

I am stoked that European Research Council (ERC) is funding my research on Designing Social Media Recommendation Algorithms for Societal Good (DeSiRe)! With a team of researchers working with me Uni Graz/University of Graz we will try to figure out how to make social media better. What are we going to do? 🧵 1/14

Don´t miss today's 3pm session ECSR Sociology where Karlene Cabaraban will present her joint work with Valeria Bordone Daniela Weber bruno arpino . Other great presenters also in the same session: Lara Bister Damiano Uccheddu Francesca Zanasi