Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile
Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀


interested in #stroke #attention #brainimaging #rehabilitation
// neuroscientist🧠 currently @ParisBrainInst // world traveller 🌍 // skier ⛷️ // optimist😊 //

ID: 1230826860889673728

link calendar_today21-02-2020 12:09:35

112 Tweet


317 Following

Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let's meet at the 10th Symposium on Behavioral #Neurology 🧠 to discuss about the many faces of #stroke #recovery! 1️⃣day full of awesome #Science to improve #neurorehabilitation! 📢 See you all May 12th in #Luzern, #Switzerland Sign up for free ➡️…

Let's meet at the 10th Symposium on Behavioral #Neurology 🧠 to discuss about the many faces of #stroke #recovery!
1️⃣day full of awesome #Science to improve #neurorehabilitation! 
📢 See you all May 12th in #Luzern, #Switzerland
Sign up for free ➡️…
Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The importance of attention im daily living. What are potential effects of social media?📢🧠📱 Vitaminute Radio 3FACH and I had a chat about how social media might influence our attention... Listen to the interview in Swissgerman here ➡️…

APS Publications (@apspublications) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New in JNP: A case study of left visual neglect after right pontine lesion: pathophysiological evidence for the infratentorial involvement in human visual 👀attention (Cazzoli et al.) Luzerner Kantonsspital #VisuospatialAttention #Pathophysiology

New in <a href="/JNeurophysiol/">JNP</a>:  A case study of left visual neglect after right pontine lesion: pathophysiological evidence for the infratentorial involvement in human visual 👀attention (Cazzoli et al.)

<a href="/KantonsspitalLU/">Luzerner Kantonsspital</a> #VisuospatialAttention #Pathophysiology
Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Paper alert❗️ In JNP we present a case study of left #visualneglect after right pontine #stroke and provide pathophysiological evidence for the infratentorial involvement in human visual @attention Check it out!🤓🧠…

Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🤓Don't miss our Letter to the Editor in Brain❗️ Our analysis reveals "Causal evidence for the multiple-demand #brain #network" & supports our previous results (Kaufmann et al. 2023;…) ➡️YES, IT TAKES 3⃣ TO TANGO! 💃💃💃…

The British Neuropsychological Society (@bns_neuropsych) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Are you attending FESN HNPS 2023 in Thessaloniki this week? The BNS-sponsored symposium "Leveraging Technology to Improve the Diagnosis of Attentional Deficits Post-Stroke" is taking place on Thursday 28th 5-6.30pm. Don't miss it!

Are you attending <a href="/fesn_hnps/">FESN HNPS 2023</a>  in Thessaloniki this week? The BNS-sponsored symposium "Leveraging Technology to Improve the Diagnosis of Attentional Deficits Post-Stroke" is taking place on Thursday 28th 5-6.30pm. Don't miss it!
Athanasia Liozidou (@aliozidou) 's Twitter Profile Photo

8th European an 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Neuropsychology. Deeply honored Chairing this Scientific Meeting🙏❤️🇪🇺🇬🇷

8th European an 2nd Panhellenic Conference on Neuropsychology.
Deeply honored Chairing this Scientific Meeting🙏❤️🇪🇺🇬🇷
Fabrizio, De Vico Fallani (@f_devicofallani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

After collecting more than 500 answers, the second phase of the NetViz project has just started!!! Take part and contribute! It's free, fast, and safe ->…

After collecting more than 500 answers, the second phase of the NetViz project has just started!!! Take part and contribute! It's free, fast, and safe -&gt;…
Luzerner Kantonsspital (@kantonsspitallu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Zum fünften Mal hat das LUKS am 14. November zu seinem Forschungstag eingeladen. Das grosse Interesse von Forschenden am LUKS und der Universität Luzern hat gezeigt: Nerv getroffen – die neuen Forschungsmöglichkeiten am Puls der Medizin interessieren.…

Paolo Bartolomeo (@paolobartolome0) 's Twitter Profile Photo… Intensive listening to music by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven can improve aphasia signs and enhance brain connectivity. 🧠🎵 Maryane Chea monica toba Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 Eléonore Bayen #Research #Aphasia #Connectivity #Stroke #Neurology… Intensive listening to music by Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven can improve aphasia signs and enhance brain connectivity. 🧠🎵 <a href="/CheaMaryane/">Maryane Chea</a> <a href="/monicatoba1/">monica toba</a> <a href="/BrigitteCKaufm1/">Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀</a>  <a href="/BayenEleonore/">Eléonore Bayen</a> #Research #Aphasia #Connectivity #Stroke #Neurology
Brigitte C. Kaufmann 🧠👀 (@brigitteckaufm1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is amazing Dr Tal Seidel Malkinson ! Congratulations and thanks a lot for having me on this project, the very interesting discussions and helpful advise while sharing the office at ICM🤗

Dr Tal Seidel Malkinson (@seideltal) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Come work with me in Nancy, France 🧠🥖🍷 Two-Year Postdoc Position on the Role of Temporal Integration in Visual Attention Using Human Intracerebral Recordings | EURAXESS please share!

Come work with me in Nancy, France 🧠🥖🍷

Two-Year Postdoc Position on the Role of Temporal Integration in Visual Attention Using Human Intracerebral Recordings | EURAXESS 

please share!