Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile
Break for a Plate Alabama


Break for a Plate Alabama represents all USDA Food and Nutrition programs administered by ALSDE. #BreakForAPlate

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Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

September’s Harvest of the Month: green beans, which taste great sautéed with garlic in a skillet! #BreakforaPlate #greenbeans #HarvestoftheMonth #FarmToSchool

September’s Harvest of the Month: green beans, which taste great sautéed with garlic in a skillet!

 #BreakforaPlate #greenbeans #HarvestoftheMonth #FarmToSchool
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The summer’s half over, but the kids are still playing! Make sure they’re fueled for activity every single day while school’s out. Break for a Plate will feed them with FREE delicious meals. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479. #FreeSummerMeals #Brea...

The summer’s half over, but the kids are still playing! Make sure they’re fueled for activity every single day while school’s out. Break for a Plate will feed them with FREE delicious meals. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479.

#FreeSummerMeals  #Brea...
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Just because school is out, that doesn't mean the meals stop. All summer long, kids can get two FREE, nutritious meals a day when they Break for a Plate. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479. #FreeKidsMeals #SummerFoodProgram #BreakforaPlate

Just because school is out, that doesn't mean the meals stop. All summer long, kids can get two FREE, nutritious meals a day when they Break for a Plate. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479.

#FreeKidsMeals #SummerFoodProgram #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We don’t want our children to go hungry in Alabama. That’s why Break for a Plate offers school kids up to 19 years old FREE delicious and healthy meals throughout the summer months. To find your nearest location, text “SUMMER MEALS” to 97779. #FreeKidsMeals

We don’t want our children to go hungry in Alabama. That’s why Break for a Plate offers school kids up to 19 years old FREE delicious and healthy meals throughout the summer months. To find your nearest location, text “SUMMER MEALS” to 97779.

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

What are your children doing on their summer vacation? Make sure they’re eating well-balanced nutritious foods to give them energy. Break for a Plate offers kids FREE meals each day. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479. #FreeKidsMeals #BreakforaPlate

What are your children doing on their summer vacation? Make sure they’re eating well-balanced nutritious foods to give them energy. Break for a Plate offers kids FREE meals each day. To find the nearest location, call toll-free at 866-348-6479.

#FreeKidsMeals  #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

While school’s not in session, make sure your child has plenty to eat. Let them Break for a Plate and enjoy FREE delicious and nutritious meals all summer long. To find your nearest location, text “SUMMER MEALS” to 97779. #FreeMealsforKids #SummerMeals #BreakforaPlate

While school’s not in session, make sure your child has plenty to eat. Let them Break for a Plate and enjoy FREE delicious and nutritious meals all summer long. To find your nearest location, text “SUMMER MEALS” to 97779. 

#FreeMealsforKids #SummerMeals #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your child's lunches are waiting! Be sure to complete the Break for a Plate school lunch form to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals at school. Find the form at your local school. For more information visit… #FreeLunch

Your child's lunches are waiting! Be sure to complete the Break for a Plate school lunch form to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals at school. Find the form at your local school. For more information visit…

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

National School Lunch Programs take care of the nutritional needs of millions of children, including yours! Be sure to get the Break for a Plate school lunch form at your local school. Learn more at… #FreeLunch

National School Lunch Programs take care of the nutritional needs of millions of children, including yours! Be sure to get the Break for a Plate school lunch form at your local school. Learn more at…

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Parents, there's still time to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals. Visit your local school for the Break for a Plate school lunch form. Just fill it out and send it in today! Learn more at… #FreeLunch #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch

Parents, there's still time to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price meals. Visit your local school for the Break for a Plate school lunch form. Just fill it out and send it in today! Learn more at…

#FreeLunch #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Farm to School healthy lunches are available daily! Make sure your child gets their fill of nutritious fruits and vegetables in season this time of year. Get healthy lunches with #FarmtoSchool #SchoolLunch #BreakforaPlate

Farm to School healthy lunches are available daily! Make sure your child gets their fill of nutritious fruits and vegetables in season this time of year. Get healthy lunches with

#FarmtoSchool #SchoolLunch #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Your child can start off each school day right with a free or reduced-price nutritious breakfast before class begins! Find the form at your local school to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced-price meals. #FreeBreakfast #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch

Your child can start off each school day right with a free or reduced-price nutritious breakfast before class begins! Find the form at your local school to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced-price meals.

#FreeBreakfast #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Children can get the nutritious meals, snacks, milk, and more that they need during the school day, for free if they qualify! All you have to do is fill out the form found at your local school to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price m...…

Children can get the nutritious meals, snacks, milk, and more that they need during the school day, for free if they qualify! All you have to do is fill out the form found at your local school to see if your child is eligible for free or reduced price m...…
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Keep your child fed and fueled during the school day with a free or reduced-price school lunch! All you need to do is find the form found at your local school to see if your child is eligible. Not only is the food nutritious, but it’s extremely economical! #BreakforaPlate

Keep your child fed and fueled during the school day with a free or reduced-price school lunch! All you need to do is find the form found at your local school to see if your child is eligible. Not only is the food nutritious, but it’s extremely economical!

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Let National School Lunch Programs take care of the nutritional needs of your child, including snacks after school hours! Find out if your child is eligible and fill out the form at your local school. Learn more at #FreeAfterSchoolSnacks #BreakforaPlate

Let National School Lunch Programs take care of the nutritional needs of your child, including snacks after school hours! Find out if your child is eligible and fill out the form at your local school. Learn more at 

#FreeAfterSchoolSnacks #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Parents, make sure your child has all the nutrition they need at school, including milk! They can get vitamin-fortified milk for free or reduced cost. Find the form at your local school to see if they’re eligible. Learn more at #FreeLunch #BreakforaPlate

Parents, make sure your child has all the nutrition they need at school, including milk! They can get vitamin-fortified milk for free or reduced cost. Find the form at your local school to see if they’re eligible. Learn more at

#FreeLunch #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

From the earliest preschool years to grade 12, your child deserves to eat nutritious, healthy meals to keep them fueled for school. Those meals are available for free or reduced cost. Find out more at #FreeMeals #BreakforaPlate

From the earliest preschool years to grade 12, your child deserves to eat nutritious, healthy meals to keep them fueled for school. Those meals are available for free or reduced cost. Find out more at 

 #FreeMeals #BreakforaPlate
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

There’s still time to register your child for a free or reduced-price lunch at school! All you need to do is sign the Break for a Plate school lunch form so they can get lunch—as well as breakfast and snacks before and after classes. #FreeBreakfast #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch

There’s still time to register your child for a free or reduced-price lunch at school! All you need to do is sign the Break for a Plate school lunch form so they can get lunch—as well as breakfast and snacks before and after classes.

#FreeBreakfast #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch
Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration NOW OPEN for the 8th Annual Alabama State Junior Chef Competition #BreakforaplateAlabama #BFAPA #SchoolMeals #CulinaryArts #Culinary #JuniorChef #NSLP #ChildNutrionPrograms #ALSDE Click link below for details:…

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Registration NOW OPEN for the 8th Annual Alabama State Junior Chef Competition #BreakforaplateAlabama #BFAPA #SchoolMeals #CulinaryArts #Culinary #JuniorChef #NSLP #ChildNutrionPrograms #ALSDE Click link below for details:

Break for a Plate Alabama (@breakforaplate) 's Twitter Profile Photo

When your child is hungry during and after school, give them helpings of healthy, nutritious foods every weekday. The National School Lunch Programs will provide for their needs. Learn more at #FreeAfterSchoolSnacks #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch

When your child is hungry during and after school, give them helpings of healthy, nutritious foods every weekday. The National School Lunch Programs will provide for their needs. Learn more at 

#FreeAfterSchoolSnacks #BreakforaPlate #SchoolLunch