bra_poo (@bra_poo) 's Twitter Profile



ID: 878017066959228928

calendar_today22-06-2017 22:29:16

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779 Following

uk (@norio70) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#heal3 (朝散歩連続36日目) ゴボウは最強の若返り薬と言って過言でない 血管が若い&腸内環境が良い=健康で若い ポリフェノールは血管の若返りの鍵 野菜や果物の中で特に強力なポリフェノールがゴボウに含まれる &腸内環境によい食物繊維両方も多く、 かつ水溶性不溶性両方! ゴボウ茶最強

#heal3  (朝散歩連続36日目)





Andrew McCarthy (@ajamesmccarthy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The sun is putting on a nice show today. I've been shooting this flaring region nonstop for the past 4 hours, yielding some of the cleanest time-lapse footage I've shot to date. I'll share it soon. I formatted this as a mobile wallpaper, enjoy! I'll post another tomorrow.

The sun is putting on a nice show today. I've been shooting this flaring region nonstop for the past 4 hours, yielding some of the cleanest time-lapse footage I've shot to date. I'll share it soon. 

I formatted this as a mobile wallpaper, enjoy! I'll post another tomorrow.
Erika  (@explorecosmos_) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Plasma falls on the Sun. Plasma falls have been seen on the sun many times before, yet researchers still don't fully understand them. One big mystery is how fast they fall. The sun's gravity is powerful, but not powerful enough to pull the plasma down so quickly through the

Dr. Ryan French (@ryanjfrench) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The full evolution of today’s mesmerising #SolarFlare, which continued for over 12 hours! This is a very long duration event, as most flares are over well within an hour of onset. Just look at those flare loops grow! Awe-some stuff. #spaceweather #astronomy

NASA Sun & Space (@nasasun) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Sun emitted a strong solar flare on Sept. 14, peaking at 11:29 a.m. ET. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an image of the event, which was classified as X4.5.…

Andrew McCarthy (@ajamesmccarthy) 's Twitter Profile Photo

A traveled to the top of a Volcano in Hawaii to capture this: Saturn briefly covered by the moon. One of the most difficult shots I’ve captured and a bucket list moment, this event gave me a new perspective on the solar system. I’ll have it available in print for a short time.

A traveled to the top of a Volcano in Hawaii to capture this: Saturn briefly covered by the moon. One of the most difficult shots I’ve captured and a bucket list moment, this event gave me a new perspective on the solar system. 

I’ll have it available in print for a short time.
マサミ (@masami777777) 's Twitter Profile Photo

こんな寝相あり得る❔😱 この夫は妻が寝ている間の姿を監視するために監視カメラを設置したが とんでもない暴れっぷりに絶句😨🤣

bra_poo (@bra_poo) 's Twitter Profile Photo

うなぎは私の命です。日本一仕込みに手間をかける老舗鰻料亭の舞台裏。(TIMELINE - タイムライン)…