Fellowship of the Book
books, friends, leadership, community
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21-03-2022 01:09:00
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2023 was an incredible year for Fellowship of the Book!! We read 11 books that challenged us, connected us; made us laugh, cry, & grow. Join us in 2024! We meet virtually 1x/month; all are welcome even if you haven't finished the book! email: [email protected]

Get ready for 2024 with a great new book!! Join us as we discuss this bestseller on Jan 23 via Zoom. Email: [email protected] for details!

Fellowship of the Book was proud to donate 5 of our favorite books that were given away in a drawing to 5 lucky EAST Leadership Development Workshop attendees! #EAST2024 Jennifer Hartwell, MD FACS TAnand Leah Tatebe Stepheny Berry, MD, FACS

Happiness is not a destination. Happiness is a direction. -Arthur Brooks Barely on page 5, but this one is starting off strong! š Won't you join us on January 23rd at 7:30pm CST? #fellowshipofthebook

Your founders together at the meeting that inspired our name! We are all about fellowship, learning, and bidirectional mentorship. These are also tenants of WesternTrauma #fellowshipofthebook #FellowshipOfTheSnow #WTA2024

We always have such great conversations about our books! Hope you can join us in June! Email for info: [email protected]