Boghall Primary Sch
Boghall Primary School 💜 and @BoghallNursery🍎, Bathgate, West Lothian
ID: 782941356205469696
03-10-2016 13:52:20
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This week Primary 5 have been working in small groups to revise their UNCRC rights and devise a class charter. We are all working on this together to agree what children and adults should to to ensure we can enjoy all of our rights. #BPSRRS WL UNCRC Collaborative #therighttohaveourrights
Today Cucumber Club🥒explored how emotions can “feel” like different colours to each person, we identified the colour then the intensity of each emotion too🤔the darker the colour the stronger we felt that emotion was💜 #NurtureGroup Emotion Works WL Health and Wellbeing Place2Be
During #ForestSchool 🌲today P5 enjoyed listening to The Stickman story then creating their own stick friends! We had to learn how to tie a square lash to do this, it was a bit fiddly but we managed it 🥳 WL Literacy Scottish Book Trust
Happy #FairTrade fortnight 🥳 for Tuck Shop Tuesday we had fair trade bananas & fair trade chocolate rice cakes! Yum! Thank you customers for coming along & supporting us 💜🍌 Fairtrade Foundation WL UNCRC Collaborative